Visiting UK on business - Leeds - what to do?

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Thanks guys. I have looked into several of your suggestions online and printed a few maps. I'll be leaving home here in a few hours for that long plane ride across the pond but if you think of anything else I'll be checking this thread while I'm over there, assuming that the Holiday Inn Leeds Garforth has internet access.

From the Garforth Hilton its a 5 minute drive to Temple Newsam, Elizabethan manor house, extensive grounds by Capability Brown, working rare breeds farm national collection of furniture, ( Sheraton, Hepplwhite etc) and a a very photogenic place all around.
Also on the farm are the old woodwork shops with the antique tools and machines.....
Fulfils most of your criteria I think and hardly any time lost travelling.

York IS very attractive, but you need more than a day, and driving /parking is a pain......

And if you are visiting Optare, then grab a meal at the Barnbow Pub, about 300 yard walk away from Optare...heard its nice ( Used to be called the Manston until recently) and take note of the stonework on some of the older houses round there, they have the Templar Cross built into them in stone,, harking back to the days that Temple Newsam was a regional administration centre of the Knights Templar.....
Enjoy your visit !
But remember Mac that we drive on the 'wrong' side of the road and that the vast majority of hire vehicles will have a manual gearbox, which if you're not familiar with could be a problem. Also the price of gas will horrify you, about $10 a gallon, so be warned!

Well I've been here all week but the testing wound up early but unsucussfully so it looks like I'll be returning again in the near future. It has been eventfull for me from the first day. Driving my automatic Mercedes I managed to get from the airport to the Holiday Inn without killing anyone! I only made about 5 bad turns along the way but the GPS TOM-TOM navigation system refigured and got me to the motel.

Everyday the driving has gotten easier. I rode withh some folks at work up to the test site at the Cummins plant in Darlington. Unfortunately I had a bout with some kidney stones yesterday morning and ended up in the Darlington A&E for some pain killers. I was there for about three hours, they gave me some morphine, took some x-rays and sent me on my way with some pain killers to get me through the trip and back home where I'll go see my uroligist. Not the kind of day I had expected to say the least. I did get back to Cummins in time to finish the testing before comming back to Leeds.

I could have stayed an extra day and seen some sites but I decided to get on home. Maybe next time I'll get to see some of the sites. Again Thanks for all the suggestions!



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