Vertical Wall Saw

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9 Jan 2010
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Hi everybody,

I'm new to the forum and wonder if anybody can help ? I've recently bought a second hand Elcon wall saw and am about to try to set it up. Does anybody have any do's or don'ts or tips to ensure the frame is set up true ? Any help would be gratefully received. Even accesss to an official manual would be good. I've tried Dalton's and it seems they're not available !!

Thanks in anticipation

The main thing is to make sure its on a stable base. the bottom stop must be level horizontally and the frame checked to make sure it is not leaning out of vertical. looking from the front that is, it should lean back. If the bottom stop has a plastic or timber block then you can skim it with the saw to ensure the timber is parallel and reset all the stops. The middle stop may need some blocks added though as they are normally just aluminium. i would recommend adding some larger plates to the adjustable feet as the small bolts can move or dig into the groundwork.
The model is the 155 and judging by the shear weight , the size of the guide rails, heavy duty steel box section, channel and angle iron frame, and the fact that all the necessary adjustments can be made with the tightest of tolerances lead me to believe that the overall build quality puts Elcon pretty high on the list of quality pieces of kit.

So I'm guessing that anyone using 'crap' and 'Elcon' in the same sentence can only be someone with no mechanical knowledge, appreciation or sensitivity of well built machinery or indeed any ability whatsoever to fine tune their own machines.

Anyway having got that of my chest. I'm pleased to say that I managed to set up the frame using a precision clinometer (spirit level/protractor), that I just happen to have and reckon that I've got the frame to within +/- 30 seconds of a minute of a degree from one end to the other. That's about 1mm over 3 meters. I'm guessing I now need to check out how accurately it's cutting sheets, AND indeed how I fare with repeat cuts ! Maybe I will finish up with egg on my face afterall.

Good advice on 'trueing up the bottom blocks' with the saw to ensure the accuracy of horizontal cuts- thanks for that.

Watch this space

Jonboy":33hdizn6 said:
So I'm guessing that anyone using 'crap' and 'Elcon' in the same sentence can only be someone with no mechanical knowledge, appreciation or sensitivity of well built machinery or indeed any ability whatsoever to fine tune their own machines.

I like your style!

It looks like a well built machine, not a common make so I'm wondering how well known it can be? :?

"So I'm guessing that anyone using 'crap' and 'Elcon' in the same sentence can only be someone with no mechanical knowledge, appreciation or sensitivity of well built machinery or indeed any ability whatsoever to fine tune their own machines".

Second on a wish list to Striebig, but much better value for money !!

"So I'm guessing that anyone using 'crap' and 'Elcon' in the same sentence can only be someone with no mechanical knowledge, appreciation or sensitivity of well built machinery or indeed any ability whatsoever to fine tune their own machines". [/quote]

I have had three wall saws and used 5 the last 2 are STRIEBIG, 1 a manual wall saw and the second is a fully digitel with auto feed and return.

I think then I have enough knowledge about wall saws and enough experience to know wtf I am talking about.

I had asked you friendly to post a pic so I could give you more info - reason why - to see what year the wallsaw was built, reason is that after 2000 iirc ELCON completly redesigned their saws.

Their top range are equal imho to the middle range STRIEBIGS, but with digitel measuring.

So, before you open your gob to downgrade someone - answer their requests first and hear what they have to say,

there RANT OVER.!!!!

I didn't go out of my way to offend - no really - but being told in the first sentence that the three year old top of the range machine (155DSX rrp £15,500) I'd just paid £3,500 - yes 3.5K - for was 'crap ' was hardly " Welcome to the forum - nice to have another like minded soul join our happy band ". It was perhaps understandably taken as an ' up yours ' and hardly the welcome or advice that I was expecting. I rather took the offer of sending a picture, as taking the pee!

Anyway it's all sorted now. I really didn't think it would be that easy.

It may be of interest that having spent half a day ' fine tuning and tweaking one or two necessary adjustments ' that the saw will now trim the absolute minimum amount from three sides of an 8 x 4 sheet of mdf and the diagonals are less than .5mm different, which was better than when the sheets arrived and that was repeated for the next 24 sheets, ensuring of course that the guide rails and bearings remained clean throughout.

I hope that this will be the only wall saw that I ever need.

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts !!
Well it has never happened untill your post here, that I have to VENT OFF to someone's unthinking remarks about my skills and knowledge with out knowing me.

I'm new to the forum and wonder if anybody can help ? I've recently bought a second hand Elcon wall saw and am about to try to set it up. Does anybody have any do's or don'ts or tips to ensure the frame is set up true ? Any help would be gratefully received. Even accesss to an official manual would be good. I've tried Dalton's and it seems they're not available !!

Thanks in anticipation

Where apon do you say the wallsaw is three years old hmmmmmm????? you don't. ALL YOU SAY IS -
bought a second hand Elcon

I stated imho a true statement of facts - Elcon where not to hot, in fact HARWEI are a better manufacturer of saws both table and wall.

So I'm guessing that anyone using 'crap' and 'Elcon' in the same sentence can only be someone with no mechanical knowledge, appreciation or sensitivity of well built machinery or indeed any ability whatsoever to fine tune their own machines.

So, you take a pot shot , hmm did you have the right too , hmmm NO YOU BLOODY WELL DID NOT !

I was civil and asked for a picture of said wall saw so I could make a better judgment call. YOU DID NOT POST ONE NOR DID YOU POST A MODEL number , so I could say good or bad, no of course not, you just slagged me off thank you very much you klotzak !
Smudger wrote
Houtslager - this is none of my business, but I thought your first post was bloody rude.

where was I rude?

yes throw it away - their well known on this side for being crap - cut once and have to realign the damn thing DAMHIKT !

But if your set on keeping it, better post a piccie then I can you tell more from that/

In a guy's first post you tell him - with no facts to back it up - that the piece of kit he has just bought, and is pleased about, is 'a piece of crap'. Instead of saying why, you say DAMHIKT. So you think he has bought rubbish, but you aren't going to say why.

Patronising, belittiling and hostile, I'd call it.

Nice welcome...
I think you should re read my first post AGAIN -
based on the facts I knew at the time ,

I ALSO asked for more infomation -

re photo /model so I COULD BACK my statement-


Here is the OP

I'm new to the forum and wonder if anybody can help ?
I've recently bought a second hand Elcon wall saw

and am about to try to set it up. Does anybody have any do's or don'ts or tips to ensure the frame is set up true ? Any help would be gratefully received. Even accesss to an official manual would be good. I've tried Dalton's and it seems they're not available !!

Thanks in anticipation

yes throw it away - their well known on this side for being crap - cut once and have to realign the damn thing DAMHIKT !

But if your set on keeping it, better post a piccie then I can you tell more from that


so, pray do tell how was I rude ?

maybe my punctuation was not as good as this time, but I meant no harm - said nowt hurtful or rude, just the facts -

which I backed up later. I still stand by my own ideasthat ELCON are only 4th in the manufacturers of wallsaws.


rant now over as I'll stop here.
H I'd rather agree with smugger - the first post was pretty abrupt - asking for a picture at the end doesn't really soften the blow of pretty much saying "shame you bought a piece of crap". Your subsequent post was rather more useful. There's blame on both sides here as always.

Let it go, it's really not worth it - the saw seems to be working fine (though I'd love to see a picture - got to be gloat worthy surely!) and it suspect the pair of you have got underwear in a knot over some ill advised typing and this wouldn't have got to this stage in the pub :)

Hi, hs (obviously the olive branch didn't get there ! )

You're quite correct I didn't mention the model. So WHO " let off on one without knowing the facts ?? "

I'll grant you, I didn't know your history either. Perhaps some of the blame lies with me, but quantity of saws owned/used is not necessarily, in my view, any indication of 'mechanical appreciation or indeed the ability to sympathetically fine tune the saw to achieve it's maximum precision' . If you don't understand that statement then there's no point in me trying to explain !!

To comment on your ' civil ' approach I must confess 'gob ' isn't a word that any of my civilised friends use !!

Interesting that others also think you were rather rude for a first reply !!

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