Versachuck jaw flinging woes

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25 Aug 2024
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isle of man
i'm still fairly new at the lathe, and have a query on the versachuck i have.

i've put the 50mm jaws on it, and generally, all goes well, BUT a couple of times recently, when using the spindle gouge (possibly with too much pressure) - one or 2 of the jaws got flung out (rapidly!) - luckily PPE in the form of my trend facemask prevented facial dents - but my trust in that chuck has now dropped (it happened a couple more times, but only with 1 Jaw)

it seems to be jaws 4 & 1 that get flung.

any ideas/similar experiences/solutions?


I've never had a jaw come loose on my Versachuck in ten years.
It shouldn't be possible if you're using the chuck correctly;

Make sure the correct jaw carriers are in their correct slots and that they meet perfectly in the centre when fully would in.

Ensure that the jaws are securely bolted onto the jaw carriers.

Never work with the jaw carriers protruding beyond the chuck body.

Make sure the work is tightly held in the jaws before starting.
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Think we need more info. What exactly do you mean by the jaws get flung. Do they open during turning? Was there a catch? Did something break? Also what were you turning. Size of workpiece and was the tailstock supporting the other end. Pictures would help explain.
Jaws coming out of the chuck body sounds like they are opened too wide and so not being gripped by the scroll. Make sure you insert them properly - insert no. 1 jaw when you see the scroll just appearing in the no. 1 slot on the chuck. Then do the same for the other jaws in sequence. When clamping the work you should not have the jaws opened so far as to risk insufficient grip by the scroll of the chuck - either turn the work to a smaller diameter or use different jaws.
Finally, take a look at the chuck with jaws removed, and look for any damage to the scroll. And - I assume you have versachuck jaws, not a different brand which might not be compatible (unlikely, I know, but a possiblity)

I assume you have versachuck jaws, not a different brand which might not be compatible (unlikely, I know, but a possiblity)
That's not as straightforward as you might think. The default jaw carriers take Versachuck's own jaws, but are also compatible with Axminster chuck jaws. In Toolpost years the Versachuck jaws were pretty crude and poorly finished compared to the Axminister ones with less price difference than you might expect.
Further, there are a range of alternative jaw carriers available that allow almost any jaw system to be fitted with the appropriate carrier.
If the chuck was purchased new, the owner should know the spec, but a secondhand chuck might(just) have carriers for other makes.

However the OP's problem is most likely to be due to having the jaws open too far.