US Election November 5th

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I find it difficult to understand how anyone who has heard the debate, especially the 'eating cats' bit could ever feel that this person should be inflicted on the rest of the 'free world'.
You do not like her 'cackling' but I would suggest Harris has a rather better grip on reality than Trump.
This might be a key qualification.
I am not too sure what positive qualities Trump can possibly bring.
Describing Harris as "cackling" is just aping Trump. He prides himself on coming up with puerile nicknames likely to appeal to his fans.
There was an American president (I forget the name) who apparently never once mentioned the opposition in his electoral campaign - I thought that was a brilliant idea. If you're to get elected on your merits your opponent shouldn't matter.
While I agree in principle, I fear such a tactic might overestimate the the average viewer's intelligence.
The low point had to be the revelation that "immigrants are eating your pets".
Harris face was a picture. I dare say there were a good view senior republicans with a similar expression at that one!
He is the gift that keeps on giving, just when you think he has reached the pinnacle of buffoonery he shows just how wrong you are.
The ONE topic I wanted to hear about was the climate crisis, conveniently left till the last topic for debate. Harris gave a good account of the amount of investment made under Biden, "The young people of America care deeply about this issue" etc.
Trump totally skirted the issue.


The full transcript is on ABC News.
I suspect Trump regards the whole climate debate as fake news.
The truth is that the vast bulk of Americans are poorly educated. They don't live in a cohesive society and resent paying taxes to support their country. A remarkable and very selfish way to live. ?
The low point had to be the revelation that "immigrants are eating your pets".
Harris face was a picture. I dare say there were a good view senior republicans with a similar expression at that one!
He is the gift that keeps on giving, just when you think he has reached the pinnacle of buffoonery he shows just how wrong you are.
As if 'immigrants eating cats and dogs' wasn't enough (debunked by the moderators), in this week’s presidential debate, former President Donald Trump absurdly claimed that Democrats want to ‘execute’ babies, suggesting that the Democratic party supports abortions "after birth.” (Huh?).

The lie came up during the confrontation between Trump and Kamala Harris when she asked him for him about abortion. As ABC News anchor Linsey Davis mentioned during her real-time fact check, there is no state where it is legal to kill a baby after birth. (It’s estimated that less than 1% of abortions in the U.S. occur after 21 weeks of gestation, generally due to severe medical complications — such as the foetus having a fatal anomaly).

Did anyone notice that throughout, they stated that the debate was between 'President' Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. Surely he is, (and lets hope he remains), 'Former' President Trump, or 'Past' President Trump, or do they retain the title for the rest of their days?

I see that the creators of 'South Park' - the animated series which centres on the adventures of a group of four, mostly foul-mouthed boys who are growing up in a town in Colorado, have said they won't satirise Trump - he's probably used up all their material. The show has profanely satirized an overwhelmingly wide range of controversial topics, managing to win critical acclaim and establish itself as an unusually long-running program despite some viewers finding its content too offensive.

Only 42% of Americans hold passports, (compared to 84.4% in England & Wales (in 2021) and many Americans have never travelled beyond their own state, so it's unsurprising that many aren't that worldly wise, or by now, instead of voting for Trump, he'd have been laughed off the face of the planet.
For the same reason we got labour , people did not want the conservatives so defaulted to labour and the same in the states where many will not want Harris as she just has a horrible presence about her and comes across as someone who just bares her teeth at everyone.
"has a horrible presence about her and …… bares her teeth…" ?? Are US citizens electing a TV news presenter ……… or a President?

Not [of course] to mention Ronald Reagan, who was both.
Did anyone notice that throughout, they stated that the debate was between 'President' Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. Surely he is, (and lets hope he remains), 'Former' President Trump, or 'Past' President Trump, or do they retain the title for the rest of their days?
I believe the convention in the US is to address former Presidents as "Mr President" and refer to them as President, not former President.

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