If some of the people who are able bodied and otherwise fit for work, but are unlucky enough to not be in employment were able to do something useful for some period of their free time, in return for the state handouts they live on, then why is that a bad thing? There is plenty of voluntary work, local stuff like helping the local elderly or infirm, etc that could be worked around different abilities and suitabilities. Its not slave labour - is that what you call all the work done by genuine community volunteers? It's doing the right thing, not being a leech, giving something back, and we should ask all those able, whether they are happy to do this. The answer would soon show the feckless and idle ones. I cant think of one valid, suitable reason why this is not a good idea. It should not however be forced or compulsory and it needs careful planning etc, but........... it could be a great way to make these people feel part of society instead of marginalised from it. And people like me whose taxes support them might feel better about it.........
As someone who has worked mostly 70 - 80 hour minimum weeks and been self employed for my whole 30 year working life, there is nothing I hate more than people who take advantage of our over generous welfare system because they are simply too lazy or think they are too good for the jobs out there...