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Sorry to say the turth is the turth but a belief may be down to perception.

I don't get that. How could considering another view limit you?

Aren't the BBC working for money?
And for some, like conspiracy theorists, belief is the truth. Because truth is a concept that is truly flexible for some and rigidly dogmatic for others. Even your allegations of the BBC admit flexibility of the truth.
That's what most people do, believe what they want to believe.

BTW. Calling something a conspiracy theory is just a way of saying you don't want to believe it. If it was wrong you would call it a lie.
Calling someone a conspiracy theorist is, indeed, saying I don't believe it. If conspirators' 'evidence' gained traction then the world would listen and it would be reacted to. As it is, it's as rare as hen's teeth. The truth never seems to come that direction.
That's just plain wrong. There's a big difference between a lie and a conspiracy theory.
OK, I'll put it another way. There is never any real evidence in conspiracy theories. They come, they go. Normal people knows silly stories when they hear/read them.
It's nice to know "I've got the power", but it makes visits to Tesco difficult now, as I have an irresistible urge to burst into song at the checkout.

Quite the opposite for me. I have the urge to pick up a tin of beans and hurl it at the nearest tannoy in the ceiling.

It's so jarring!!!

I would shop elsewhere but have been "conditioned" to shop at Tescos. My Mum and Sister worked there for decades and so you just do what you've always done.
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As for you tube it is just a joke, the adverts are absolutely killing it and making much content unwatchable. Anyone know of how to get the video's without all the shieete ?

You can't really escape it as there are more and more in video promotions which usually has very little to do with the content of the video or its creator.

"Let me just say a few words about our sponsor......"
Naive? Or just a grown up who reads the news, from a few sources, and makes up my own mind. I prefer that to conspiracy theories and paranoia that can lead people into dark corners.
Especialally war- mongering! If we took notice of everything MSN feeds us, we should all be building bunkers!
You can't really escape it as there are more and more in video promotions which usually has very little to do with the content of the video or its creator.
I am now using Brave and so far it is wonderful as you don't get the daft adverts disrupting your line of thought.

Were conspiracy theories not an idea dreamt up by the American intelligence in the fifties to hide and cover up anything they did not want in the public domain such as area 51 ?

Rather a simple concept, rather than deny the existance of something you just hide it within many other stories that have little credability but everyone now overlooks the actual facts because the conspiracy theory is more compelling.
Calling someone a conspiracy theorist is, indeed, saying I don't believe it. If conspirators' 'evidence' gained traction then the world would listen and it would be reacted to. As it is, it's as rare as hen's teeth. The truth never seems to come that direction.
I'm pretty sure, if you tried, you could find some things that were poo pooed as conspiracy theories and later proved true.
Just an observation that the BBC are quite capable of ignoring or suppressing stuff that it doesn't suit them to be publicised. Strictly is another example. Flagship show, let's not draw attention to any issues.
Having said that I would still generally regard them as more reliable than many others.
I'm pretty sure, if you tried, you could find some things that were poo pooed as conspiracy theories and later proved true.
Nope...can you? Any serious issue from any source that has credibility seldom reaches conspiracy status; it's taken up by mainstream news media.
Nope...can you? Any serious issue from any source that has credibility seldom reaches conspiracy status; it's taken up by mainstream news media.

Various CIA involvements over the decades....

Weapons of mass destruction...

In fact, there's plenty of evidence to suggest that the US (and therefore the UK too) are far from the arbiters of all moral decency and do indeed have alternative interests in cases where they intervene for the apparent good of humanity.

I guess more importantly we need to start by defining what we actually mean by conspiracy theory, before going ahead and deciding what is or isn't one.
Truth, as politicians will be very aware, is a flexible concept.

Some truths are close to absolute - supported by statistically adequate objective data or based upon evidence corroborated by large numbers. Examples - the result of a football match, temperature, height of a mountain, etc.

Some truths may fail the absolute test - but are both plausible and commonly accepted. Examples - smoking causes cancer, alcohol impairs performance, murder is wrong, theft is wrong, etc.

Some "truths" have more in common with faith or belief, but are sufficiently widely held that society accommodates them as if they were of substance - religious dogma an obvious example.

Some truths are the product of partial or selective data analysis - ignore the bits that don't fit the pre-conceived answer. This is fertile politician territory to justify policies which would otherwise receive far less than universal support.

The conspiracy theory truth is usually has close to zero connection with reality or corroborating data. Covid vaccines contaminated with Microsoft chips, the 1969 moon landings a concocted fiction, mobile phone masts fry the brain etc.

Occasionally conspiracy theories may have substance. Iraqi "weapons of mass destruction" may have been a genuine concern of Blair and Bush, who fabricated documents proving their contention. As none have been found in 20 years it seems conspiracy theorists got it right.

I suspect it is, on balance, better to be entirely sceptical of conspiracy theories until actually proven, rather than respond to all as if they were true.

Various CIA involvements over the decades....

Weapons of mass destruction...

In fact, there's plenty of evidence to suggest that the US (and therefore the UK too) are far from the arbiters of all moral decency and do indeed have alternative interests in cases where they intervene for the apparent good of humanity.

I guess more importantly we need to start by defining what we actually mean by conspiracy theory, before going ahead and deciding what is or isn't one.
It's pointless.

If you waste your time a talking to the people who don't listen...
The BBC got us into Iraq on knowingly false pretences and 1 million Iraq’s, mostly civilians, women and children died.
The government could not have done it without the BBC’s help, which they happily gave. Same with Libya, Syria, and soon Iran.
The BBC is the propaganda arm of the state. It’s not news. It’s curated information.

Not only that but they as with all legacy media, get most of their news now from social media.

Remember when the BBC were telling us that Covid came from eating bats? Not the Wuhan institute of virology and kept this pretence up even after the ‘lab leak theory’ (not a theory) was discovered?

As an old saying went “if you read the news, you likley know less about what’s going on than someone who doesn’t”.
It was not really from eating bats. It was from butchering bats, because a butcher is likely at some point to cut themselves and end up unwittingly inoculating themselves with the blood of animals they butcher. This produces a small chance that a virus which is adapted to live in that animal might manage to reproduce inside of the human host and, by natural selection, the strand might evolve into a virus able to inhabit the human body.

The chance is very small but of course it becomes more likely if a species is butchered in huge amounts every day.

Flue comes originally from horses butchering. So do many other viruses, such as avian flue and most likely the HIV virus.

So, it was not all that strange or suspicious of BBC to report that virologists were looking into that for a long time.

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