Trend air shield pro cheap fix

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13 Oct 2022
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My air shield pro on/off switch has been playing up for ages, and I wasn't prepared to pay the anyway up to £80 for the replacement little box thing that house's said switch, the rubber cover thing had long ago perished so with all the dusty environment it's had to put up with all the year's I've had it I thought a blast with contact cleaner might solve the problem ( it only made it worse) so had a look on CPC website a replacement 12mm red latching push switch for 80 odd pence, but then with p&p took it over £8! So a quick look on Amazon found a pack of 10 for £7.50 next day delivery so today 15 mins fitting new switch my air shield pro is working without having to swear at it trying to switch it on,
Also on Amazon there selling batteries at the cheapest price I've found anywhere at £49.73 it's got 25% off retail price
Plus I've 9 spare switches for future project's