Tree ID x 2

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7 Aug 2003
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Beech I think, maybe.........


And this

Perhaps Beech (main pic) & Oak (top RH) in pic 1 and Oak in pic 2
Thanks, forgot I used a bit from another tree to rest the Beech (?) trunk on, yep, that bit is likely Oak.
No 1 Beech, no 2 I'd say some type of plum tree
The trunk in pic 2 is maybe a couple ft in diameter at the base, would a plum be that big? I’m finishing it tomorrow and will get another picture or two. Perhaps as Torx suggests, Oak.
I know beech cah have a dark centre, but this looks very dark. Have you considered walnut?

I would agree probably oak for the second. Cannot see the structure in the photos, but oak ought to be very distinctive. Plum or the like is much closer grained.
1st pic I'd say Ash, possibly Olive or Mountain Ash, the fresh cut has a pink tint to it just like the Ash and Alder that I've cut here but none of the Alder I've cut has had the dark heart. Don't think the other is Oak, whilst the bark and colour of the wood looks like oak there are no medullary rays in the cross section.
2nd picture with the lighter, more regular centre could very well be Alder as the bark looks right as do wood colours. It’s not that hard a wood.
Rowan (Mountain Ash) is another possibility for the first pic as it often has dark centres like this. Beech can too but rarely so dark. Olive Ash isn’t a separate tree/species, it’s just a name given to the figuring and colouring in certain pieces of Ash which make it look not dissimilar to real Olive wood.