Traffic on the road is going to get worse

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I live in a cul de sac with 7 other retirees, and I am certain none have been out to work today and they have also not been out of the drive.
So assuming they would not be out to work if we project the timescall forward they would be out on the road.

Unless they are all unemployed, if so you wont get your pensions until you are 80 at that rate.

And if your travel from Swindon to Aylesbury you would be lucky to average 30mph. :)

Or from Swindon to Basinstoke to Henley then High Wycombe and on to Oxford and back to Swindon and do all your calls , you had better book a nights accommodation even now. :)
I am on the road with my job travelling all over the UK and the worst experience I have had was travelling 60 miles door to door from Newport Pagnell to Wandsworth, which is predominantly motorway, that took just over 4 hours one way! :shock: :evil:
devonwoody":2bw02u5s said:
And if your travel from Swindon to Aylesbury you would be lucky to average 30mph. :)

rubbish - I do that trip regularly, and going M4 (average 70mph or more if the busies arent arround), A34 (slight slow down or breif halt on the junction then 70mph to the M40 junction, stop, then 70mph to the A41 junction), A41 (slight slow down on the junction 60mph to waddesdon, 30mph through the village then 50mph to aylesbury) 76 miles and never takes more than 90 minuites so an average speed of roughly 50mph

devonwoody":2bw02u5s said:
Or from Swindon to Basinstoke to Henley then High Wycombe and on to Oxford and back to Swindon and do all your calls , you had better book a nights accommodation even now. :)

again total rubbish - a few weeks back i went from my place near swindon, to paulMs near basingstoke , hung out with paul for about an hour and had lunch, then went to henley gave a 2 hour presentation at the river a rowing museum, then went up to oxford dropped in to the offfice did about an hours work, and then went home - I left about 9.30am and I was home by 5.30pm
devonwoody":36z2eukm said:
I live in a cul de sac with 7 other retirees, and I am certain none have been out to work today and they have also not been out of the drive.
So assuming they would not be out to work if we project the timescall forward they would be out on the road.

do what ?

again you show a total lack of logic in connecting two unrelated sentences with the word so.

There are a finite number of jobs in britain (circa 28 million) so if your seven neigbours went back to work there wouldnt automatically be 7 more jobs, they would be taking 7 jobs that would otherwise be held by someone else. put another way if they dont go back to work there arent seven less jobs in the uk because someone else is doing the jobs instead

bottom line raising the retirement age does not create more jobs, so it also does not increase the number of people employed.
devonwoody":x1zesnte said:
Well BSM, you are definitely a faster driver than me. :)

almost certainly - that comes from being 46 years younger. ;)

(yeah well i didnt go to high wycome that day, but wycombe from oxford is about 20 minuites down the M40 so if i had i'd still have been home by 6.30)
Ah yes but Henley to High Wycombe you left out and it can be slow going down that hill with the roundabout at the top and bottom.
devonwoody":3kw830gd said:
Ah yes but Henley to High Wycombe you left out and it can be slow going down that hill with the roundabout at the top and bottom.

it certainly can, but i wouldnt touch the 404 with a barge pole - from henley the way to go is on the backroads via fawley, skimmet and boulters end and in the west wycome end - 15 odd miles and takes about 25 minuites, then wycome top oxford is about 20 minuites - total 45 minuites

I asctually went henley, wallingford, oxford which took about 30 minuites

so if you aded the difference onto my trip you'd only add 15 mins - and even if you added an hour for an apointment in wycombe I'd still have been home by 6.45 - so its hardly "overnight accomodation required"
I wonder how many people who 'go to work' do so more from tradition than necessity?
Book Keepers, Accounts Clerks, Stock Controllers, Accountants, Utility meter Readers, Tax Men, even call centres, do they need lots of people all huddling together within the same building now a days?

BSM your call would need to be a short way up Amersham Road, and you certainly would not go down Marlow hill at 50mph even if the road was empty. And your call there would take another two hours so you are starting to get home late and some rushhour traffic around as well by the time you are leaving Henley.

BTW how many extra jobs are needed to maintain full employment for everyone and those between the ages of 65 to 70
devonwoody":2gtzqj5n said:
BSM your call would need to be a short way up Amersham Road, and you certainly would not go down Marlow hill at 50mph even if the road was empty. And your call there would take another two hours so you are starting to get home late and some rushhour traffic around as well by the time you are leaving Henley.

WTF are you on about ? why would my call there take two hours ( not that my job includes "calls" at all) - I i went to wycome it would likely be to visit axminster and I'd cut up through desborough and back down the sameway and then out to J5 of the m40 via stokenchurch and coming through west wycome from henely I woulnt be going down marlow hill or up amersham hill at all - the whole point of shortcuts and local knowlege is to stay out of the trouble spots.

By your own account you've been retired for 18 years and live in devon, its hard to see how this qualifies you to comment of current congestion and driving times in the wilts/oxon/bucks area, by contrast I live and work in this area and have done so off and on for most of my life, and do that kind of driving every week so you arent going to win a 'how long does it take to get from A to B argument' with me - and i'm not going to argue it any further with you as you patently havent got a clue what you are talking about

devonwoody":2gtzqj5n said:
BTW how many extra jobs are needed to maintain full employment for everyone and those between the ages of 65 to 70

currently circa 28 million employed people in the uk, so another 8.33% of 28 million - so circa 2,332,400 more jobs (and thats not including jobs for those currently unemployed) - and if you think that number of jobs are going to suddenly fall out of the sky because the govt raises retirement age then either you are deluding yourself or you know something no one else does and you should be the next chancellor
ByronBlack":30z8vo7r said:
You are a real ray of sunshine DW.

But to the subscribers to the Co2 myth, Woody makes perfect sense!

Before I have some one ready to jump all over me, I agree Global warming is real. I just read a lot, and I dispute the real cause, as I am aware of so many plausible alternatives. Woodworkers for a start; helping, as we do, to reduce the number of trees on the planet! :evil: :twisted:

John :wink:
devonwoody":347wg0cd said:
I have lived in the same road for 40 years and I used to be able to cross the road to the other side...Forty years later and that is no longer the situation
devonwoody":347wg0cd said:
I live in a cul de sac with 7 other retirees, and I am certain none have been out to work today and they have also not been out of the drive.

I put it to you my dear Woody that your inability to cross to other side of your cul-de-sac inbetween retirees departing their drives every few days(?) has less to do with the "volume" (ahem) of traffic and more, erm, how do I put this... Ever considered a skateboard? :D

(BTW: I know what you really meant (at least I assume the road referred to is beyond your immediate cul-de-sace). I just could not resist the observation.
I agree that it just ain't gonna happen as the extra jobs won't be available but having been stuck several times today behind old ladies doing the garden centre rounds at 20mph whilst animately discussing god knows what and weaving all over the road - I would happily condem them to the sedate rush hour traffic rather than holding me up through the day :roll: :lol:

All I meant to state was traffic during the rush hour is going to be greater in the future with people not retiring until they are 70.
Of course they could raise school leaving age to 25, (two of my grandchildren didnt start employment until they had turned 23, so nothing unusual happening there.)
People might be living longer but there seems to be more of those mobile disabled vehicles around than ever these days, an elderly lady under 70 was driving down a one way street last week getting the young drivers a bit het up. :) Perhaps she was refusing to retire.
I am soooooooooo NOT working until I'm 70! My plans don't even include working until the current retirement age.

On the more general point - I've no idea what the growth in drivers is likely to be. There's so many changes that will influence traffic - for example the increase in home working. At my place of work this has reduced the numbers commuting on a daily basis and in many cases triggered a migration to other parts of country (one couple commute occasionally from Skye to London!)

I suspect theories can be batted back and forth on this one. Nobody really knows what the facts will be.
i agree with matty.

you won't catch me working till i am 58 let alone 70, i have 20 years to make it all good.

i also agree with digit.

More and more people are working from home, most people i know have home office jobs, and as technology advances and internet speeds increase actual needs for business meetings will be done via video link.

someone i know 5 years ago used to travel the country having meetings here and there, now 70% of his meetings are done electronically.