I've owned what is now model 2006 for several years. I too love it for what I use it for, which is for establishing correct bevels/angles on irons of used planes I purchase, correcting bevels/angles on irons that I've honed by hand and over time have messed up a bit, as well as establishing new bevel angles or significant back bevels or initial cambering of irons.
I also use it for the only sharpening for lathe tools as does my wife (the real turner of the family).
For planes, chisels and scraper irons, I always use stones after the Tormek, usually doing 2000, 4000 and finishing at 8000. Because the Tormek is a hollow grind, I usually add a couple degrees more than I would with a honing guide, which lessens the hollow at the edge. Honing takes but a few swipes per stone, more at the lower grits, less as I move up.
For Alf's sake, I won't mention the brand of the stones here, though [-(