Tonys new workbench - lots of photos

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Alf":la8z9byx said:
Coo, proper job. =D> =D> =D> =D> But how are you going to bring yourself to really use it without having the urge to stroke it tenderly everytime you put anything (gently) on the top? :shock: Better take a chisel and get the worst over now... :wink:

Cheers, Alf

Thanks Alf

I err, placed an offcut of MDF on there when using sharp tools - not to protect the surface you understand :whistle:
Tony, I'll talk you through it if you like. Just take a chisel, or better still a gouge, and gently - oh-so gently - take an tiny, tiny scoop out of the surface. Now breathe... Tomorrow, step two. Deepen the cut just a teeny bit. You can do it. :wink: Step three when you pick up the mallet may be a bit more traumatic mind...
Great stuff. Better than furniture!

I'm with ALF, I'd take a big chisel, a bloody great mallet, and take a great big gouge out the top. That way, its no longer a virgin top anymore, and you can start on new projects without a constant worry. Putting protective tops on work benches seems to (for me) defeat the object of them, being a workbench after all.

Anyway, I bet you are chuffed to bits, it looks superb, nice and heavy, flat, dog holes, everything you need for covering a wide range of projects.

Well done.

great looking bench tony hope you dont mind me asking how much the wood cost to make bench as i realy must make one and i dont live to far from yandles wich is handy cheers dave
As Alf says "Proper Job" I'll give it a month Tony before it's buried in tools and saw dust :lol: If you don't believe me see if you can spot the bench I built in this pic. :lol:

Don't take any notice about the advice to christen it with a chisel, saws do a better job. :lol: :wink:
davos":lt1xwvrt said:
great looking bench tony hope you dont mind me asking how much the wood cost to make bench as i realy must make one and i dont live to far from yandles wich is handy cheers dave

Actually, I meant to post that :roll: :oops:

The steamed beech cost about £90 and I have quite a bit left over to make the tail vice

The hefty oak for the legs cost £20 - bargain of the century!!!!

The poplar for the lower frame was about £8 from Good Timber

The tail vice screw is axminster and was about £11

The main vice is one I bought years ago - can't remember how much. It is a record and cost me about £35-50
tony, no matter what people think , i have seen a lot of benches in my time and believe me ive seen a lot of crap. but yours is nice, very very nice maaaan. =D>
Lovely bench Tony,think you'll find most of the trade members here will be the greenest, leastways I am, most of our benchtops only look good when we replace the hardboard cover.
Think you should let Jacob loose on it for a while, break it in for you with a few well placed nails and screws etc rather than those namby-pamby wonderpups and turned bits of nonsense :shock: :lol:

Cheers, Paul :D

(Hoping Jacob has a sense of humour........ :wink: )
Tony, that's fantastic. Makes me really regret not going the full hog when I built mine three years ago from recycled old pine roof joists. Great project write up too. I can blame you if I start remaking my bench now :wink:


looks perfect to me, right height right length tool tray i like it :D
So is it true? do you need a bench to build a bench?, i caved in and bought mine cause i just could not imagine achiving a good result using my workmate.

Alf":21foephg said:
Tony, I'll talk you through it if you like. Just take a chisel, or better still a gouge, and gently - oh-so gently - take an tiny, tiny scoop out of the surface. Now breathe... Tomorrow, step two. Deepen the cut just a teeny bit. You can do it. :wink: Step three when you pick up the mallet may be a bit more traumatic mind...

Well, I've been looking at these tonight and can't find the ding :lol: You first :wink:

t'was these pictures that were partly responsible for the start of 'project bench'



tombo":2vbqic2c said:

looks perfect to me, right height right length tool tray i like it :D
So is it true? do you need a bench to build a bench?, i caved in and bought mine cause i just could not imagine achiving a good result using my workmate.


oh yes, - it's a chicken and egg thing wink:

Ha, i did try the 'buy a bench' approach. Santa (aka mrs tony) though it a little too expensive :cry: :
Great looking bench, can't wait till I start mine.
Just a few questions

What was the extra alu fence on your saw for when you were cutting the tenons.
Did you band saw from both sides or just face side.
When you cut the tenons at 5 degrees, what thickness did you leave at the bottom.
I don't understand the phrase "sprung the joints with a 0.5mm dip in the middle" - can you explain
Is the "boiled linseed" bought as is or do you make it yourself.

Sorry about all the question, only way to learn

regards Stefan
I have two things to say :) ( wait for it )

1/ That is a very very nice bench, well done Tony =D> =D>

2/ That was one of the biggest LN and LV drive by's ( some one has been taking tips from Philly ) :wink:

Getting me coat, dame dropped it but I am not going back for it 8-[ :D