Dear Bosshogg
You are quite correct. For whatever reason I did not see the detail put up otherwise my answer would have been framed rather differently. It is very wrong when you make suggestions without any real understanding of what the full situation is, as I have done, and not being aware of the basis or detail of the original question. Of course the dpm should not turn up the slab face. I was working on the basis of it turning up from under the stud and so had a possible way of doing things, to part answer what I saw the direction it was going in. Of course that was wrong.
What is important is learning the lessons on giving ideas to a question when there is so little information to go on. There is a so much more to know than is given to us on this one. The advice being sought would attract a substantial amount of fees if professional guidance was necessary and it is beginning looking that way.
With a starting point of a 10x6 m building, I list below a series of possible information necessary to questions to illustrate to others what may have to be taken into account before making considered and knowledgeable possibilities. I make no excuse for the length of the list by way of showing how complex matters can be; before an apparent simple question is resolved, hence why professional consulting is often expensive. It is also important to appreciate the audience may not always be in position to make informed interpretations and judgement of what is being offered....with all due respect to everyone.
1 What is the proposed use of the building. Space for army tanks or just bicycles, etc
2 Is the building habitable. Hay barn or dining hall.
3 What are the ground conditions re. A choice of strip or raft foundations, floor edge, etc.
4 Is there drainage in the building- how does it become external under the founds/edge.
5 Is there a screed or loose floor finish
6 Is insulation required in the floor, also cold bridging problems.
7 What form of services are there – re. pipes again.
8 Form of roof spanning onto external wall studs and so stud sizes and holding down for strength.
9 Are there internal walls to break the roof spans and loads.
10 Is a dpm required under the slab – not ness. the same as a poly. membrane.
11 The expected loading on the slab- and so extent of calculated steel/fabric reinf.
12 Is the Bldg. Regs. (in Scot.) of 150mm distance between ground and dpc the min. required.
13 What form of rainwater downpipes to be provided- trenches adjacent wall base/founds.
I4 Is a structural fire rating necessary.
15 Is there an internal finish. P/b has been mentioned.
16 Is there a finish to the slab edge – a render, board, and so.
17 Is the slab to be waterproof.
18 Should the external boarding be spaced on runners for ventilation.
19 Wall fixings to slab to withstand the combined roof loads, wind loads, uplift, and dead loads.
20 Is there a need to sheath the studs after the above is resolved- re. for struct. racking.
21 Does it have an agricultural use.
22 Is there exemption from planning and building regulations.
23 Height of studs.
24 walls made up in panels or sticks re. form sole plate and holding down.
25 floor loading re. thickness and reinf.
26 and so on, and so on.
I do hope that the loose linkage across these questions is seen and understood and how one question poses yet another, and another, until a round view is achieved of elements of importance.
For me, “once bitten, twice shy” now applies. Sense will prevail from now on; I have been overzealous to assist. Hope this clarifies matters and perhaps helps others appreciate the initial complexities. One last point is; you ask for comments and you get several opposing responses. They may not be wrong, just different as everyone sees a different potential. It would be easy to pass criticism both your detail Bosshog and the good information provided by Mike G. but that doesn’t necessarily make them wrong. That is the nature of the question and answer sessions.
Thank goodness I didn’t suggest meeting up with you at the local tool shop for a bit of rioting, burning and looting. We could be sharing the same prison cell by now.
Over and out and returning to base.