Tightening loose tenon saw handle


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Established Member
16 Dec 2022
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Hi all,

I have a vintage 14” tenon saw which I really like. When I was given it a few years back I had to find a new third screw for the handle and ended up getting a nice split nut one in brass. I cleaned up the handle and finished it with coloured shellac. It generally works a treat but there is a very very slight wobble in the handle and I frequently have to tighten up this split nut. I had an idea to remove the shellac and treat the handle instead with lots of boiled linseed oil. Would this expand the wood enough to grip the saw plate better? I’m not in a position at the moment to make a new handle and probably couldn’t do it accurately enough with only hand tools given my experience level.
My husband uses veneer as a shim. Make sure to find out where it needs shimming so it doesn't pull the saw blade out of true. Also make sure the back is far enough into the slot in the handle. You can put the saw plate in your vice and tap the back into place with a mallet in a horizontal direction.
Thank you Rebecca. I haven’t even considered about the back being in the handle properly, I’ll have to check. Shimming seems like the perfect solution. I’ll dig out some veneer.