That is a good thoughtful post and not a mad rant.
I don't know if the power grab is intentional by governments, (and am not saying you are either), but big pharma and big biz will always try to 'power grab' as the economy relies on growth, otherwise it shrinks. The irony is that 'the economy' is banded about as the be all and end all, yet it too isnt actually 'real'. Money and the markets are manipulated all the time as people try to get an edge over competitors and governments fiddling around the edges (and our pensions etc require them so to do). I think it's probably more the nation states' hang ups with their own economies that lead to the loud cries of Shame!
It seems Taiwan and South Korea may have handled it a little better without crushing their economy, but I doubt the post colonial West will want to learn from 'Johnny foreigner'
I agree, it's the handling of this pandemic and restriction of freedoms and all that incessant fear mongering I don't like. I hate it. Look around you and watch people being led like donkeys to their AVOIDABLE slaughter nappies on their faces. A virus in nano millimetres in size, a 3 ply mask isn't going to stop it. Its here to stay for the foreseeable future mutating (as all virus do... no surprise there...!) so a person's immune response adapts, it fights back. The word fight is awful. Tries to return to balance 8s much more appropriate. Look to 3000 years plus of Chinese Medicine on how the body ACTAULLY works and you will realise Western medicine knows very little of how our body functions in relation to disease. "Dis-ease" starts in the mind. I don't want to appear like a keyboard warrior I'm just damn passionate about freedom and health (both physical and mental) Talkikg of the mental health crisis coming next year in my humble opinion it can easily EASILY be avoided if people THINK. I really do wish people took a step back and realised what was going on. That said I'm a peace loving person who wishes only the best for my fellow man, who wants the same happiness & opportunity for all in this world. Utopian view you might cry, hard core Liberal nutter you might cry. I'm none of those things! I just want to treated as I treat others, with a kind heart & with respect, whatever their views on this whole sorry mess of a year !
*2nd time steps off soap box*