Speaking to (Doctor) wife about this; the concerns are mainly that:
1. It's a pretty rapid mutation (vs e.g. flu) - which may complicate chasing it with an updated vaccine
2. Will the currently developed vaccines be effective against this new strain
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herd_immunitywell it’s only 90% effective anyway, so if everyone in the UK got vaccinated that leaves 6m people at risk.
I would just be thankful that you are allowed to re-enter the country if I was you and stop complaining. Boris is dammed if does & dammed if he doesn't. Would you want to be the person that gets up and say "Sorry no Christmas this year". If you want to blame anyone, decide who/where this all started and blame them. Unfortunately C19 is here, brought in by travelers who had it and we now have to combat this together taking the advise from our PM and his team working with him. We will all be able to have our say when its over,The problem seems to be that Government action is not always driven by medical best practice. Instead, economic and social aspects drive decision making.
I return to the UK tomorrow (I hope) and I have to isolate for five full days before I can have a test on boxing day. Had I had a few extra quid in my bank account, or been an expert at kicking pigs' bladders into a net, then I wouldn't. Yet I can see no medical justification for this distinction.
HMG was too keen to ignore medical advice and reopen businesses, waive rules for Xmas etc - and this is the result. Remember the photos of non-socially distanced maskless shoppers? Had they instead operated an entirely medical driven approach then I believe yesterday's announcement would not have been necessary.
This is the big elephant in the room will the vaccine be effective against the new mutation??
How come they're all in the cabinet ??And nearly 50% of the people in this country are of below average intelligence...
The flu has multiple strains and each year the jab only protects against four of them, decided by the WHO in March each year as being the most likely to be the ones that will be a problem. Will a coronavirus jab be the end of all this? Of course not.
Hey Keir - the critical information was not available then!
I haven't verified this, but if it's genuine it raises some questions.
Was also wondering that. I don't live far from you (in Bucks) and need to go to Thame for a medical appointment (which I think is still allowed) but usually do some shopping (essential) in Thame when I am there. I guess I'm not allowed to do this? i will err on the side of caution and shop in Bucks.My wife raised an interesting question just now about schools.
A lot of kids in Haddenham (Bucks, Tier 4) go to Lord Bill's school in Thame (Oxfordshire, Tier 2)
How is that going to work when schools reopen?
Actually may not be fake (I haven't checked), but neither is the answer simple, as I posted earlierIt's not, it's fake, and you should have done.
Where did you verify it?It's not, it's fake, and you should have done.
Actually may not be fake (I haven't checked), but neither is the answer simple, as I posted earlier
"Some answers: Monthly mortality analysis, England and Wales - Office for National Statistics.
Note the sharp 2020 upturn in the year on year graph and the great leap after March in the 2020 graph"
That O.N.S. page is probably the best source of info of Covid in the UK. (excluding Facebook and twitterof course)
Here, it is not the actuary I follow (Stuart McDonald - @ActuaryByDay, an excellent source of info) but he retweeted it.
It was direct from someone from the ONS
I didn't claim it was true, because I cannot stand over that claim.It is fake, it was debunked by an actuary I follow on Twitter, it is comparing a not full month [edit: year] with prior full months {edit: years] and also is just wrong anyway.