I'd not want to deal with a company that sends letters like that. It would have done them much more good to have made a joke of it and thought up some funny reply.
I'd not want to deal with a company that sends letters like that. It would have done them much more good to have made a joke of it and thought up some funny reply.
As you have pointed out 'they don't buy any car', Mr Adam Jennings you could have used this to your advantage, but I'm afraid you haven't done yourself or your company any favours. #-o #-o #-o
I've known people who have done this with r/c cars, a Matchbox dinky car collection and a picture of Alan & Jimmy Carr but this is the first reply I've seen or heard of, they probably get this a lot but brilliant nonetheless!
I agree. Their response is way short of a mature marketing department. They should have realised it would end up online. If I were them I would keep a stock of standard letters with a tongue in cheek response for this kind of situation. Then if it does get "published" they don't look like such a bunch of humourless morons! I mean...the original letter was inspired