The Mythical Veritas Compass Plane

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If a Veritas Compass plane were available, would you buy one?

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By the way Anant make one for $160 how good it is your guess is as good as mine.
Paul Chapman":1ra7sco5 said:
Kunz also do one

Unfortunately it's based on the old Stanley #113. The way the rear tote is fixed to these planes is most unsatisfactory and the casting often breaks where the tote attaches (I know, I have one :( ). Far better to go for an old Record 020 or equivalent Stanley in my view.

Cheers :wink:


Ah, but the #113 looks more gadgety, and compass plane buyers are (pretty much be definition) drawn to gadgety things....

I thought everyone had one of those lying around...



Cheers, Ed
I was going to say, Toolman stock the Anant version of the #113. Don't know what the quality is like, but better than nothing if you're desperate
A non woodworking friend of mine described this 'funny looking plane' he had in a tool-chest he bought. It's a compass plane of course and quite ancient from his description. I am struggling with my conscience as to whether I should offer what it's worth, or have a look and tell him it's a bit old and worn! :twisted: