The first attempt...

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Established Member
15 Jun 2009
Reaction score
East Herts, UK
I've saved a lump of - what I believe is - Sweet Chestnut in the shed for about five years thinking that one day it might be turned into something.
Now that the lathe is up and running, I sliced up the rough block on the bandsaw and one smaller, particularly grotty, piece became my very first test subject.

It's a ring pot I guess, and the lid has a particularly satisfying closure, floating down on a cushion of air, so I'm happy with that. Finish is just beeswax, with a bit of filler in places. If it is indeed sweet chestnut, then its spalted a bit. It weighs almost nothing and is very ragged to turn.

Considering that at the moment a) I've not got any proper sanding materials, b) I've no finishing sealer/polish, c) my tools need to be sharpened better and d) the wood was slightly worm eaten and very fibrous in places, I'm reasonably pleased with this first attempt after such a long break. Comments welcome.
That's a lovely bit of timber, and nicely finished, especially considering the limitations you were under!

The overall shape is nice, but i'd maybe have left out the dip and pip on the lid. If nothing else it might show off the wood a bit more.

Very nice though, good job!
Since you invited comments,,,,,,,,
I like the general shape and wood choice, I think the lid would look better with a finial and not a dip
and where it joins the bottom it would look better if it flowed into it and the join then could be disguised with a couple of grooves or a bead.
for a first go though ,after a long absence it's a great little box.
You should be quite proud of yourself. =D> =D> =D> =D>

John. B
Nothing like picking the worst bit of wood you could find to test your skills :lol: quite an achievement with the limitations on tools and finishing aids you describe.

Sharp tools, a piece of higher quality wood and the pleasure factor should increase considerably.
Unusual but very effective shape. Like others I think a domed top would have beeen better but what the is personal. Beautiful wood and well worth persevering with.

I like it :D - nice shape,finish looks good,beautiful looking piece of timber,and love your description "floating down on a cushion of air" - must be very satisfying 8)

Looking forward to seeing more!

Thank you everyone for the encouraging feedback! Some very useful comments which I will take on board.

A trip to Peter Child's yesterday now sees me equipped with sanding and finishing materials, so it's off to the workshop for some more practice pieces - after a tool sharpening session...