The Elusive Vertical Rectangle

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SketchUp Guru

Established Member
12 Apr 2005
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Rochester, MN USA
Apparently, in the SU Project, I didn't explain how to draw a vertical rectangle well enough. At least it seems to be problematic for a number of folks. The following link shows one way to do it using Construction Lines. Although there are other ways, I prefer this way for many situations because it allows me to easily define the location and size of the rectangle before drawing it. Due to limitations of the computer I'm using at the moment and the resolution limitation on Youtube, I only captured a bit of the screen. What you can't see is that I entered distances for the construction lines as I was placing them. Note the colored lines follwing the Tape Measure tool. These tell me that I'm dragging the line in the proper direction.

I hope this clarifies things a bit.
Hey Dave it works. Just tried it, and there it is. Magic. Love the video for the clarity of "how you do something." Now all we need is audio. I never realized you could drag X lines off the axis lines.
Many thanks
John McM