Bob Chapman
Established Member
What about the role of the bin men in this? Wouldn't the simplest and most sensible course have been to take the cup out rather than refuse the whole bin?
Give some creep a little bit of power, especially over someone he envies, and he turns into a jobsworth on the spot....What about the role of the bin men in this? Wouldn't the simplest and most sensible course have been to take the cup out rather than refuse the whole bin?
Amazing how badly misinformed people are!It IS just a cup in a bin - and you're missing the main point: just when did the tail start wagging the dog in the UK Rubbish Wars?
You pay the council for this "service" but you're expected to follow whatever diktats they choose to impose on you, presumably to fit in with what results in the largest income stream for them and the least inconvenience for the recycling companies. The talk of sanctions, and even fines, is ludicrous and it's amazing to see just what nonsense the Great British Public will put up with if it's introduced slowly and surreptitiously enough - "boiling frogs" anyone?
I was in England for a month recently, clearing my house ready for auction: having been paying council tax for years for literally nothing, I still had to make numerous trips to the nearest, but still rather distant and deliberately badly-signposted, tip since there was only one "general waste" bin collection in that time and the strictures on exactly what was, and wasn't, "acceptable" in the multi-hued recycling bins were pretty unfathomable even to my neighbours.
How much energy and potable water is wasted cleaning jars and bottles so that the recycling companies can maximise their profits? Where I now live jars and bottles are reused many times and only recycled when no longer useable, although it's becoming harder as producers pinch pennies with single-use screw caps on jars and beer bottles, thinner glass and some, such as Hellman's, using label glue that doesn't come off in the wash but leaves a sticky residue on the glass.
It's bad enough being bullied by the mediocre and self-serving politicians we have these days without being victimised by "refuse operatives" in black trenchcoats and dark glasses......![]()
The bin men are just following the instructions there. My neighbor in my previous house never bothered to sort her bin out. She threw everything into recycling. When the bin men refused the bin, she lost her lid and complained to me and I showed her our bin and offered to help get hers in order. She agreed and was grateful.What about the role of the bin men in this? Wouldn't the simplest and most sensible course have been to take the cup out rather than refuse the whole bin?
The recycle men wouldn't take my neighbour's garden waste bin. She wheeled it from two feet inside her boundary to two feet outside it at just after 9.00am as the lorry approached, and they wouldn't take it as it wasn't there two hours earlier. Apparently they have to be out at 7.00am to be on their list - how anyone knows whether they are there then or not, who knows.What about the role of the bin men in this? Wouldn't the simplest and most sensible course have been to take the cup out rather than refuse the whole bin?
If you have to get so many roads done by the end of your shift, would you sort peoples rubbish for them and maybe not get to some streets or do you empty all the correctly filled bins and get to the end of your round.What about the role of the bin men in this? Wouldn't the simplest and most sensible course have been to take the cup out rather than refuse the whole bin?
A lot to unpack there...Give some creep a little bit of power, especially over someone he envies, and he turns into a jobsworth on the spot....
That does sound a bit severe. Especially if it was that close.The recycle men wouldn't take my neighbour's garden waste bin. She wheeled it from two feet inside her boundary to two feet outside it at just after 9.00am as the lorry approached, and they wouldn't take it as it wasn't there two hours earlier. Apparently they have to be out at 7.00am to be on their list - how anyone knows whether they are there then or not, who knows.
You're right, it IS amazing how badly informed some people are - I wonder if they're the same people who don't bother to read/listen to what other people have to say but simply trot out their "answer" to a question which wasn't asked..Amazing how badly misinformed people are!
Council tax, is NOT for people to come and clear someone's house of rubbish they have accumulated for 30 years!
County tax is for other services like Fire, Police, adult social care and normal bin waste, plus a few other services.
Blame them for not doing enough all you want, but would you call your mate with a pick up truck and a few cans of water when something is on fire? No, you call the fire service.
I understand the tendency to blame everyone, especially the people in charge for all the problems we have.
Yes, politicians are selfish, but I ask this, when was the last time any of us genuinely thought we'll do a better job at that and actually done anything?
No, because it is easier to complain rather than do something that makes a difference.
I am the last person to join the politics to do anything, but I get it. It's not easy. Countries don't have any money, people don't follow guidelines, so rules are imposed. They don't r follow the rules, so fines are imposed. If you do something good for someone, someone else gets pineappled off.
Yes, companies try to save cost, that's what a business is. But they are still the people best equipped to do what needs to be done.
You are indeed comparing apples and oranges. The council tax cost in the village you live in may as well be £30 a year. If it is indeed the poorest country in the EU, the minimum wage is also not what it is in the UK. Minimum wage is high in the UK than there, so everything you think that has any input from a salaried person (product or service) is more expensive, remarkably so.You're right, it IS amazing how badly informed some people are - I wonder if they're the same people who don't bother to read/listen to what other people have to say but simply trot out their "answer" to a question which wasn't asked..
Of course Council Tax doesn't buy anyone a free service to clear a house, regardless of whether it's full of rubbish or decent items which are of value and, more importantly, of use to people who need them. Luckily, Freecycle exists to ensure that such things don't simply end up in some landfill in a far distant country, although apparently the Fire Brigade, Police and Social Services also become mysteriously involved, and ludicrous comments about mates with pick-up trucks appear, when high horses are let out to graze....
It's of course silly to blame the Council for the ridiculous rules and regulations regarding refuse bins, after all it's not as though we pay the beggars handsomely to empty them for us, is it? The councils are the ones who discovered what the rest of us already knew, namely that they weren't capable of organising waste collection so what did they do: get their act into gear to provide the services their paymasters needed - or farm them out to private companies and allow those companies to tie them into contracts that might save a few bob but don't actually provide the services that the taxpayers need and in the way that best suits those taxpayers?
Luckily, I no longer live in the UK but instead in the poorest country in the EU; somehow local councils here, REALLY cash-strapped, manage to provide the services that modern-day Brits can only dream of: our bins don't get emptied once a fortnight/month but three times a week; the Rubbish Stasi don't check to see if any "contraband" is in there, they just empty them; if you've got too much, you leave it beside the bin.....and it miraculously also gets taken; in addition, there are large municipal bins every few hundred metres where you can leave furniture etc as well as household waste and off it duly goes three times a week. You can leave old appliances etc beside your bins and the local totters will happily pick it up as they pass, with nary a LA snooper knocking on your door. We have cops, we have firemen, we even have ambulances which come when you need them rather than a couple of days later. The equivalent of council tax in our village is a princely £30 a year....and that even includes subsidised firewood for the old folks every winter. Yeah, we know it's bad for the environment but the oldies still find it a more palatable option than freezing to death....
It's all well and good to harp on about "doing something yourself" rather than complaining about the people you're paying to do it for you, who've volunteered - and indeed insisted - that they are competent to do it but what would your employer, assuming that you have one, think about you taking your salary every month and then telling him that it was up to him to do your job for you if he wanted it done?
See original post in this thread.No, because it is easier to complain rather than do something that makes a difference.
I thought body parts should go in the re-cycle bin ?The bin has been arrested......
I’ve read a lot of disturbing things with recycle that I don’t know if true or not. Here in Canada we have recycle bins at dump and everything, but the dump guys says when the days over most of those bins just get dumped in landfill. To expensive to send recycle stuff to cities to process as we live in a rural area. So we stand at dump sorting all our cardboard and plastic. Thinking we are doing good, just to have it thrown out when we leave! They get away with it as they take a peak in and say oh wrong type of plastic or tape on cardboard so they garbage the whole dumpster.You are indeed comparing apples and oranges. The council tax cost in the village you live in may as well be £30 a year. If it is indeed the poorest country in the EU, the minimum wage is also not what it is in the UK. Minimum wage is high in the UK than there, so everything you think that has any input from a salaried person (product or service) is more expensive, remarkably so.
For example, India's Mars mission cost a fraction of what NASA's cost, that doesn't mean they are the same.
Coming to the frequency of collection, this is a genuine question and not an argument or a dig, do you think the quantity of waste is more or collection capacity per instance is less? If they are both the same as the UK, do you think there is an issue with the efficiency?
In their defense, if they were not from round your way then they may have thought it was the correct bin without looking in it. Our recycling bin is brown and garden waste green. At least it was in a bin and they at least tried to keep your village tidy.Today I was getting everything ready for our usual Monday bin collection. Emptied out in house recycling bin into the blue lid one. My wife also handed me a dead sunflower to put in our garden waste (brown) bin. I opened the bin to chick the dead sunflower and to my surprise, I found this.
View attachment 141714
Where we live is actually a very nice area, great community and haven't come across a soul who is unhelpful or inconsiderate.
This is purely some walkers from somewhere else (we do get people parking by the shops half a mile away and go on a village walk)
Not only it's not their bin to put their rubbish in after a jolly cup of coffee, just two effing feet to the right is the recycling bin (less than half full) with a blue effing lid and with "Recycling" in Queen's English.
Had it been just the cardboard cup, I would have erupted less as that is biodegradable, but not only it had a recyclable plastic lid, but there was a balled up tinfoil stuffed in the cup when they chucked it. Means this moron had a piece of brownie or sausage roll or snack of some kind and thought this would be a good idea to do this!
Had I been there when it happened, I would have used that poor pipper as target practice with a few cricket balls.
What a dimwit!
This is the bottom line of so many issues the enviroment faces, if only it was just one cup but the big issues are nothing more than the sum of a load of smaller issues. We would not have the sewage issues if it was just one tuurd but it is a few turds from one household multiplied by many households multiplied by many towns and so on so the system cannot cope and raw sewage goes into the waterways.I cannot believe this thread! It's just a cup in a bin! Just do the world a favour and put it in the right bin