I get given a lot of Kapur from one of my sisters for our open fire. I (and she) believe it to be one of the Teak family.
All i can tell you is..... it burns like coal, lots of heat and no spits or sparks.
I have turned a couple of items with it, but am limited to the size/type of item due to the offcuts that i get from her. See pics below
When you do turn it, all you tend to get in the way of 'shavings' is dust like material...... no 'ribbons'. But that's not to say the end result is no good, in fact you can get quite a nice finish on it.
I've got a piece all glued up ready to make a little box for her for Xmas as a little 'thank-you' for giving us all the wood.
This is Kapur with a Walnut in-lay Celtic knot
When i did turn with it (over a year ago now), yes it was darned hard, akin to well matured/dried oak.
All i can say is, if you've got some give it a go...... you might be surprised.