tattoo prejudice

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Phil Pascoe

Established Member
29 Jan 2012
Reaction score
Shaft City, Mid Cornish Desert
We all know it is illegal to discriminate on the grounds of age, sex, religion and colour - but I wonder how long it'll be before there's a case or a law involving tattoos? I followed a pretty young girl around a supermarket earlier on - she was tattooed from head to foot, which made me wonder afterwards who would employ her. If I were employing someone to deal with the public, I'd think twice about one tattoo, let alone a body full of them. I've not seen "anyone with tattoos need not apply" on a job advert, but see no reason why not.
I appreciate of course that my intense dislike of the disgusting things colours my opinions. :)
Sorry can't think of a single image/poem that I wouldn't be bored of within a month.

Maybe people should be forced to endure it in fridge magnet form for a year before making a commitment.
I feel the same. Can't stand 'chicks with pics'. What makes them believe they can improve on nature? They often end up with something that eventually becomes meaningless.
Only one thing worse than tatts and that's body metal.
Tattoo and piercings I cannot stand. I also think with age they become blurred and merge?
In WWII the Nazis made lampshades out of them!

I remember about 40yrs ago I was working on a large construction site, and we had this discussion on tattoos. I was in a minority as many of people there were gipsies or ex cons, but I voiced my opinions anyway. The guy next to said how much he hated them, I said you're a good one to talk - you've got one right up your arm!
He shoved his arm in my face saying look a bit closer and you'll see why. It was as a monkey climbing a palm tree - every section of the palm covered a number. A number that reminded him of a couple of years of his life that he'd rather have forgotten.
I find it hard to understand why anyone would want to mutilate their body with tattoos and piercings. I think they look horrible.

Cheers :wink:

When I left school in 1976 I served my time as a PSV diesel fitter, the company I worked for were real s*#ts, anyhow at the age of 19 I had my hair died pink (was supposed to be flourescent orange like David Bowies but it turned out pink) not long after that I'd had enough of my bosses so I enlisted the help of the union I'd joined (AUEW), Mr Arnold (AUEW rep) and myself met with the MD and the other director, the MD asked Mr Arnold, "Look at the state of him, if you took your car to the garage for a service, who would you rather carried out that service, a mechanic with pink hair or a smartly dressed mechanic", Mr Arnold replied, "The best mechanic". Since that day I have tried never to judge a book by its cover, difficult at times, but that's just me.

I think these days if I took this attitude I never be able to employ anyone young.
All my young relatives have them.
Tattoos are quite cool I think, some of them are amazing.
When I was 20 I spent 2 years in Australia with a friend, he was covered in tattoos, he certainly got a lot of hassle because of them but he remains life long friends with our boss over their who was horrified when he first met him. He may have looked a yobbo but he now owns about half of Norfolk :lol:
Baldhead":2jvt3gus said:
When I left school in 1976 I served my time as a PSV diesel fitter, the company I worked for were real s*#ts, anyhow at the age of 19 I had my hair died pink (was supposed to be flourescent orange like David Bowies but it turned out pink) not long after that I'd had enough of my bosses so I enlisted the help of the union I'd joined (AUEW), Mr Arnold (AUEW rep) and myself met with the MD and the other director, the MD asked Mr Arnold, "Look at the state of him, if you took your car to the garage for a service, who would you rather carried out that service, a mechanic with pink hair or a smartly dressed mechanic", Mr Arnold replied, "The best mechanic". Since that day I have tried never to judge a book by its cover, difficult at times, but that's just me.


Would you read a book with a pink cover? :)
I am afraid I am with the majority here and hate them. I would be put off employing someone with tattoos and hate to see it on women. If someone wants a tattoo I have no objections to them being discreet hidden ones but not the bold blatant ones a lot of the young have today. A friend of mine has them and his wife is covered in them and they are very nice people as i am sure most tattooed people are but it just makes me think of criminals or gangsters. :(
Tattoos on a man, should be covered by a business suit.
Tattoos on a woman should not only be covered by a business suit, but also a wedding dress.
Some years ago I knew a fella, who would dress in a smart suit, to quote for business, but keep his hands in his pockets. "Love & Hate" on his knuckes lost him a lot of work.
No1 daughter, had the devil of a time, deciding, how to keep her tattoos, out of her wedding photos. (I was not brave enough to say "I told you so")

People who have tattoos are (IMHO) showing poor judgement.
People who judge other people on appearance are (IMHO) showing poor judgement.

Tattoos are a fashion and fashions come and go. Tattoos come and without a boat load of difficulty stay. It seems that there is now a tattoo that can be removed easily, or more so than the trad jobbies?

As for tattoos? I detest them and as has been said before, hw can you improve on nature? You can't. Simple!

When I ws posted to Singapore in the mid 60s one of the first questions I was asked by the 'snowdrops' (R.A.F. police) when I stepped off the aircraft was 'did I have any tattoos'? No was my answer, but I asked why the question? I was told that certain tattoos are Chinese tong markings and were quite trendy at the time in England. If anyone has any of these things they were shipped straight back to the U.K. and were in big trouble. The reason? If you were stopped by any rival tong members and found to have their rivals marks on you then you were dead meat and dropped into the harbour.

Would I employ a person with a load of tattoos on them? No I wouldn't, simple realy for me. They would be representing me and that would negate any amount of how good they may be. That's my humble opinion.

Bits of metal can be removed in a second, tattoos can't. I don't like the metal either other than the trad earings and some of those are OTT.
Wos all the anxiety about? You don't have to have a tattoo yourself if you don't want to. If somebody else wants one that's their business. If you don't want to employ them that's your loss (if they have any skill in the first place).
I'm thinking of having a tattoo makeover myself - you probably can improve on nature in my case.
I think all women should have them all over (but only if they want to).
phil.p":338abgvp said:
.... I followed a pretty young girl around a supermarket earlier on - she was tattooed from head to foot, which made me wonder afterwards who would employ her. ...
Well you obviously fancied her for a start! "Head to foot" -was she stark naked or was this just your overactive imagination?
You want to be careful following women about in supermarkets - she might have a horribly hairy tattooed mate in the DIY section, looking at hammers.
Jacob":1meynxlj said:
phil.p":1meynxlj said:
.... I followed a pretty young girl around a supermarket earlier on - she was tattooed from head to foot, which made me wonder afterwards who would employ her. ...
Well you obviously fancied her for a start! You want to be careful following women about in supermarkets - she might have a horribly hairy tattooed mate in the DIY section, looking at hammers.

Jacob leave her girlfriend out of it :)

I would be so upset if my beautiful little girls grew up and had tattoos. One of them is only six and she is talking about them.
I have to agree with the majority here, and say that I don't like tattoos. I wouldn't dream of having one myself although I know of several nice, pleasant, intelligent people with them. However the LOVE and HATE on the knuckles immediately makes me question the intelligence of the person with them. Likewise with rings and studs. Perhaps the studs thing is because of my age - in my youth no-one had studs, but then, as now, loads of people had tattoos.

I was at a hotel last month and the lad behind the bar had earrings, but unlike normal rings these needed a half inch hole in the earlobe. He was working at getting the rings up to about 3/4 inch, no more he said because that's the maximum that would self heal when removed. It reminded me of a TV program about an African tribe where the men put sticks through their ears and enlarged them until they could get a few fingers through the hole. It looked hideous and really primitive but the bigger the hole, the sexier the man appeared to the women.

I suppose it's up to individuals if they want to stick studs or safety pins with chains etc attached into their eyebrows, ears and tongue - free country and all that. Likewise with tattoos but I think they are inviting prejudice, justified or not.

You can get tattoo style transfers - they wear off after a few days. I might try them for starters - a few butterflys on top of me head (bald), and "Welcome aboard" somewhere discrete.

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