Tack Cloths after sanding?


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Established Member
21 Nov 2014
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West Sussex England
I have just sanded 6 doors and frames (plus skirting boards) as part of the ongoing saga of bringing my house up to standard. The paint was old, oil based and l created loads of dust so next step is hoover the doors plus dry paintbrush to get dust off. Then damp/dry jcloth to remove more dust,.
Anyone used tack cloths as sold by Toolstation etc (prior to water based paint) to clean the last powdery bits? Any drawbacks?
A good quality microfibre cloth (dry) works wonders for removing dust prior to finishing. They work better than a traditional tack cloth, plus there's no oil residue to worry about, and of course they can be washed/re-used.
Tack cloths are great, I use them after a microfiber as suggested above. The microfiber is good but will not hold all the dust, it can redistribute it around, you will still get some on the tack cloth after.
Get a bag of 50 from a car paint place should be cheaper.
You can't wash them, use gently, if you push really hard on them they can leave a residue.

I’m a fan of tack cloths after fine sanding. As Ollie said don’t push down, use them like a duster. They’re less good for getting into tight spaces as some of the wax can come off them.

For small jobs you can fold them back into the packaging and as long as they airtight and don’t try out you can use them a few times.
between sanding grits it's easier to use a hoover but for the final coat before finishing and between coats after denibbing they are a must. in a pinch a lint free cloth with a timy amount of vaseline worked in will do

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