Cheers, are there cheaper, as good as, alternatives? What type of square is being used to set the track?Trevanion":3pjdqzd1 said:A 25mm sheet of Celotex is plenty.
Spot onmarcros":aj79kfe9 said:
Empire right, I have an Empire combination square from Axminster, Empire have the reputation for quality. Oh for other peoples information. I remember reading on this forum about buying advice for combination squares and a lot of people really rated the Bahco version also considerably less expensive that the Empire one.Homers double":3cpqpsmy said:There is a bigger version of the square here, it’s what I use, ... =8-1-fkmr0
Pop a couple of lengths of batten under your work top and zip through with your track saw.
Trevanion":nbmmzk0e said:There really isn't much better than the Celotex, it's pretty cheap and it's not too bad on your knees compared with plywood or something similar. So long as your cut isn't going too far into the sheet (You should only be cutting about 1mm deeper than what you're cutting anyway) it should last you a long time and hundreds of cuts before needed to be replaced, plus you could always flip it over and start using up the other side.
I think the one in the picture is a "genuine" Swanson Speed Square, I've got one and it does come in handy very occasionally. I think I paid quite a lot for it at the time since they weren't too common and were hard to get ahold of, Looking here on Amazon it seems you can get one for around a tenner these days. Avoid the really cheap toolzone, Amtech, Silverline ETC ones, they're never square.
It's more of a rough layout tool than a precision square anyway, it is handy for square circular saw cuts though if you're working with CLS and are cutting it up with a circ saw rather than a mitre saw.
This is a pretty good video on how it works:
That's my picture!pollys13":1nbre1vi said:Cheers, are there cheaper, as good as, alternatives? What type of square is being used to set the track?Trevanion":1nbre1vi said:A 25mm sheet of Celotex is plenty.
MikeJhn":2m5owlyp said:I use a Stanly Roofers square: ... way&sr=8-4 accurate and easy to use.
MikeJhn":19ru68q7 said:Except £10.00 Cheaper.