Cant remember what scale you build to, but i dare say if you look at railway and other modelling supply outfits you can probably buy a suitable scale ladder. Certainly be easier.
Probably charge £80/hourHow about finding a jewelry maker who working with fine wire and silver solder would be a walk in park for them??
I was thinking along the the same lines….Could you cut it out from some sort of ready made mesh. A sieve or something?
Nope those are woven - I have a very fine stainless mesh bought for my homemade wooden PC case and use a mesh like this but much finer and the strands are woven, so over and over, thus not straight and I imagine almost impossible to straighten again.I was thinking along the the same lines….
Been experimenting.Do let us know how you eventually do it.
Use small croc clips or pliers as heat sinks, like you would when soldering delicate components in electronics.Brilliant!
Exactly what I need and I can afford it at 6 interest free weekly payments of 99 cents.
The next trick will be how to solder on the rungs without the heat making the already soldered on adjoining rung fall off.
One thing that's becoming obvious from the many helpful replies is that there is a bit more to soldering than meets the eye.Looking good, now just got however many more to doI suspect you would find it easier using brass wire, but hey if you haven't got any then I am a big fan of improvising with what you have.