First off, sorry for the delay in a proper answer after all your helpful answers and links. Apart from you Bob.
There was a lot of replies! Popular subject. Who doesn't like the idea of messing about in boats. At least in theory.
Trainee neophyte":1c5glvkj said:
Is it the build , or the water, the attraction? Have you ever paddled a canoe?
@Chris152, Thanks bud. It was your flat standyup boaty build that might have tipped me over the edge. Very similar tecniques it seems.. (listen to me the expert book reader).
I also like Ray Mears. Who doesn't? I reckon he be a great fella to have a pint with. But without being nasty I always feel a
tiny bit like he's a
bit chubby to be a proper survivalist and that he makes his wilderness videos in his Mums house with the big back garden. :| Like I know Bear Grylls is a proper faker too who spends his nights in hotels rathet than live off the land like he says he does in his mad shows but Mears looks like his Mum passes him Burgers through the school gates when burgers got banned from the cafeteria. But free range rare breed burgers from a farm shop.
I like Ray Mears though. Seems like a top man in all honesty. At least an earnest and genuine one. So fair play.
@Suffolkboy. You don't post a lot but it's
always sensible and ties in with what I'm reading in my Nick Schade book. Thankyou.
@AndyT. Thanks Prof. That's the guy I'm watching.

Good videos. Beautiful boats.
@MusicMan. The only difference being the joints are cove and bead. From what I understand not only can you can do flat joints they are stronger. I think the joy of cove and bead is it can easily be utilised as beginners hobby for those without excellent hand tools skills.Not planing to exacting measures. Schade says it himself. He seems to be an honest author.
@TN No worries fella. Thanks for some great links. I knew you were posting good positive stuff in your first post same as always. (*fistbump)
@Rorscharch. 100% agree. Sensible answer. Excellent post well made. The voice of reason. So why do I feel like this is catching up with me. Strangely. I'm not one for fate or all that nonsense but I do find myself in situations where I kinda look back and think 'You were always gonna do that. it just took you too long to realise it. Everyone has 20-20 hindsight I suppose.
If I had a different set of circumstances I'd have just ordered the timber. :wink:
@Novocaine. That's actually a really smart idea! Thanks.
@Doctor Bob. \

@AndyT . Nice idea. Did you see the prices!?!
@Droogs. That's amazing. I might well try this. It's not the solution for me. But I salute you and the fella that thought of it . Thanks for sharing.
@G7. Legend. Thank you so much. Havin'a wee gander at Rushtons IGO canoe.
@Inspector. Cheers Pete. Good links. (hammer)

Thanks man.
@Colin. Noted Mr C. Cheers. Been on Stones site having a look. Many regards. Looks like a top supplier.
You know might be that I spoil myself on cost on this one. If it costs me money I can't afford as a one off but I mitigate that through wasting time in between wages, then I could build a life time boat , maybe two Novocaine, recoup some cash.
Thanks guys. you are awesome. Sorry for the delay.
My only worry if I'm doing this is no tablesaw, no (working) P/t.