Strange happening

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Established Member
5 Jan 2017
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Pennsylvania US
Pam and I were driving down a quiet country road recently, ( Nth Lincs) doing about 40 - 50 mph when an object flashed across about 20 yds in front of us from left to right at about car roof height it was going incredibly fast - much faster than a Formula 1 car passing in front of you. I estimate 2-300 mph. It appeared to be rounded, ie not long or flat and no bits protruding and a bit bigger than a football, greyish in colour, it had completely disappeared by the time we got to where it had been for us to see between the hedges. Pam and I just looked at each other and said what the Hell was that?
Thinking about it now I think we were lucky that it hadn’t hit us!
Was it a UFO? Well it was an object it flew and we couldn’t identify it! I don’t know but definitely strange.
Well I wouldn’t have thought a drone, wrong sort of shape? And don’t think can they go that fast?
Definitely weird though.

Well wow, that thing can really shift, and I got the impression that he was just following the car but could have beaten it with practice and knowing the course.
So it could have been a drone, but what was it doing in the middle of the Lincolnshire countryside?
In a War of the future as we have seen these things could be unstoppable as they can fly under the radar.
We’re Doomed!
It could have been that Duck!!!

Daniel the Duck, or Daniel Turducken Stinkerbutt to use his full name, has the unusual 'job' as an emotional support duck and accompanied his owner Carla on a couple of flights recently.

"Everyone just took notice of him and fell in love," Carla explained, "I mean, he's an adorable, funny and sweet little guy. He was very well behaved at the airport and during the flight."
It could have been that Duck!!!

Daniel the Duck, or Daniel Turducken Stinkerbutt to use his full name, has the unusual 'job' as an emotional support duck and accompanied his owner Carla on a couple of flights recently.

"Everyone just took notice of him and fell in love," Carla explained, "I mean, he's an adorable, funny and sweet little guy. He was very well behaved at the airport and during the flight."
Actually thought this was a wind up so I googled it .. 🫣🫣
I would guess at a sparrowhawk going after prey based on your description. We get them in our garden. They fly through at a gozillion miles per hour and the description sounds about like what we see.
Fairly sure that it wasn’t a bird of any type it was as described flying at an incredibly high speed for something small, I described it as being 2-300 mph. So fast we barely saw it as it flashed across in front of us.
They are incedibly fast, our garden is about 80m across ad he/she can be through it in the blink of an eye. Until you see them in action close up you can't believe it is possible for a bird.
Pam and I were driving down a quiet country road recently, ( Nth Lincs) doing about 40 - 50 mph when an object flashed across about 20 yds in front of us from left to right at about car roof height it was going incredibly fast - much faster than a Formula 1 car passing in front of you. I estimate 2-300 mph. It appeared to be rounded, ie not long or flat and no bits protruding and a bit bigger than a football, greyish in colour, it had completely disappeared by the time we got to where it had been for us to see between the hedges. Pam and I just looked at each other and said what the Hell was that?
Thinking about it now I think we were lucky that it hadn’t hit us!
Was it a UFO? Well it was an object it flew and we couldn’t identify it! I don’t know but definitely strange.
A peregrine falcon has been clocked at over 200mph when in a dive. This was recorded by a Spitfire pilot in WW2, the bird overtook the plane.
Pam and I were driving down a quiet country road recently, ( Nth Lincs) doing about 40 - 50 mph when an object flashed across about 20 yds in front of us from left to right at about car roof height it was going incredibly fast - much faster than a Formula 1 car passing in front of you. I estimate 2-300 mph. It appeared to be rounded, ie not long or flat and no bits protruding and a bit bigger than a football, greyish in colour, it had completely disappeared by the time we got to where it had been for us to see between the hedges. Pam and I just looked at each other and said what the Hell was that?
Thinking about it now I think we were lucky that it hadn’t hit us!
Was it a UFO? Well it was an object it flew and we couldn’t identify it! I don’t know but definitely strange.
I would put money on radio controlled plane Heli drone
......300 mph. It appeared to be rounded, ie not long or flat and no bits protruding and a bit bigger than a football, greyish in colour.......

Definitely an alien space craft. We get a lot of them around here.
Was it this one?

We're not alone!

That has been debunked, though you really need to search quite hard to find the vid explaining it(for some unknown reason)
The reason all the vids are in thermal imaging is to hide what they really are and pretend they're 'alien. but when they get switched to regular camera the aircraft are quite visible.
On the vid I saw debunking this, they showed a vid identical to the 'leaked' US navy vids, then switched to regular camera and surprise surprise it was just a normal plane. They then switched back to thermal, and again it showed the supposed 'alien craft'

Its the same with a vid of 'something' skimming the surface of the ocean at seemingly extreme high speed. But close in on regular view its a duck migrating. Back to thermal and its not clear what it is. and again back to regular and its clearly a duck(or goose), but basically a bird on the wing.

Just to get to our closest neighbouring star would take nearly 5 years travelling at the speed of light, which is 186,000 miles per second, or approximately 670,616,629 mph.

That is if we could travel at 670 million mph, but fastest we can go is near 400,000mph, so a bit of a shortfall.
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