Stanleys New Higher Range Plane Selection

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18 Dec 2008
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nottinghamshire - uk
Apparently stanley are bringing out a mid-high range plane selection as well as there cheaper lines.

does anyone knoe anymore about this ? eg. when , where, how much, and can we get our hands on them to have a test ??


yes, eagerly (?) awaited. I'm interested who's going to be selling it. B&Q or Workshop Heaven ?
doubt bnq will sell them they only sell the handyman no4 and that has plastic adjustment knobs and handle,
No one's had their mitts on them outside stanley yet.
They do look nice! I have a friend who knows someone working at Stanley UK, I'll ask them if they can find out anything for us.
:!: :arrow: Just to update anyone who's interested.....

I've found out that they will be starting from about £120. :wink:
If the starting prices are around 120 quid, then unless they are close to the performance of LV/LN then I'll be giving them a miss
i think we need to have a good look and test with them ! see how they truley perform, i hope they at least equal good old stanley stuff ! with better quality steel blades.

ive tested my stanley 4 1/2 dating to about 1920 with a clifton blade in against a lie nielsen 4 1/2 and the stanley left a sharper less chattered finish!
olie":3rfilzgv said:
i think we need to have a good look and test with them ! see how they truley perform, i hope they at least equal good old stanley stuff ! with better quality steel blades.

ive tested my stanley 4 1/2 dating to about 1920 with a clifton blade in against a lie nielsen 4 1/2 and the stanley left a sharper less chattered finish!

That's extremely surprising. I can imagine a tuned and tweaked (and blade swapped) Stanley matching a LN, but not beating it.

For all intents and purposes, a LN is a Stanley Bedrock (Stanley's best), tuned and fettled to perfection.

I don't see how a "real" Stanley could beat it, all other things being equal.

Testing one plane against another on softer straight grained wood will only demonstrate that both can take shavings as well as each other. Test them on wood with short and reversing grain and you will learn something.

Regards from Perth

Try planing a small length of timber in one pass, and then see if the shavings as long as the timber :lol: :lol: :lol:

£10 to anyone who can do it! :D :p
joiner_sim":11gm1hnu said:
Try planing a small length of timber in one pass, and then see if the shavings as long as the timber :lol: :lol: :lol:

£10 to anyone who can do it! :D :p

Your money is safe, as you know full well....

What about a 2m shaving at .02"? Mujingfang.


Regards from Perth

bugbear":2vu51hcs said:
joiner_sim":2vu51hcs said:
Try planing a small length of timber in one pass, and then see if the shavings as long as the timber :lol: :lol: :lol:

£10 to anyone who can do it! :D :p

Your money is safe, as you know full well....

My ignorance is obviously showing again, but why is this so difficult?

I was truing up the edges of some box sides last night and I am sure that I was taking full length shavings off of a 20cm piece. Or is it that the shaving when unrolled will not be the same length as the piece of wood it came off of due to internal tensions?..
frugal- when the shaving is unrolled, it will never be the same length as the piece it came off, because the shaving actually shrinks...... i think! haha :lol:

all i know is i got challenged to it, tried and it didnt get anywhere near that tenner! :oops: :lol:
bugbear":jl3khv7m said:
olie":jl3khv7m said:
i think we need to have a good look and test with them ! see how they truley perform, i hope they at least equal good old stanley stuff ! with better quality steel blades.

ive tested my stanley 4 1/2 dating to about 1920 with a clifton blade in against a lie nielsen 4 1/2 and the stanley left a sharper less chattered finish!

That's extremely surprising. I can imagine a tuned and tweaked (and blade swapped) Stanley matching a LN, but not beating it.

For all intents and purposes, a LN is a Stanley Bedrock (Stanley's best), tuned and fettled to perfection.

I don't see how a "real" Stanley could beat it, all other things being equal.


Oh yes, A2 blades on LN planes can "microchip" - you can feel this on the wood surface as a friend of mine has pointed out. A better finish can be obtained with 01 or Japanese laminated blades which they prefer.
