Established Member
I'd thought I'd start a new thread specific to my own solar heated water project. Today I've studied the costs.
Our hot water is heated at night on a nighttime tariff. I think in two years I have only ever run out of water 2 or 3 times and had to heat water in the daytime.
Last year our nighttime electricity costs were €133. A proportion of this cost is for heating water for washing machine ( 4-5 times a week), dishwasher (7 times a week), fridge and freezer and appliances on standby. I'll have to check the meter one night when the dishwasher and washing machine are not on to get a better idea of much electricity the water heater does use.
Solar heating options:-
A) Replace the existing water heater for one with a solar exchanger and electric heating. Cost c/w solar panels, pump, expansion vessel, temperature controller etc - €1800 + pipe work
B) Add a new cylinder with exchanger to preheat the water and buy solar panels - €1,100
C) Add a new cylinder with exchanger to preheat water and DIY a solar panel - €900
I have not included installation costs as I would like to think I could do this myself - maybe.
If we were to recover the whole €133 cost recover would take more than :- 13 years option A, 8 years option B, 7 years option C
We would, of course,not recover all of the €133 but electricity prices would increase and the solar running costs would not.
Is it worth it?
Because of the extra efficiency of the purpose built solar panels I think option B may be worth pursuing if I can keep the costs down. I need convincing though.
Our hot water is heated at night on a nighttime tariff. I think in two years I have only ever run out of water 2 or 3 times and had to heat water in the daytime.
Last year our nighttime electricity costs were €133. A proportion of this cost is for heating water for washing machine ( 4-5 times a week), dishwasher (7 times a week), fridge and freezer and appliances on standby. I'll have to check the meter one night when the dishwasher and washing machine are not on to get a better idea of much electricity the water heater does use.
Solar heating options:-
A) Replace the existing water heater for one with a solar exchanger and electric heating. Cost c/w solar panels, pump, expansion vessel, temperature controller etc - €1800 + pipe work
B) Add a new cylinder with exchanger to preheat the water and buy solar panels - €1,100
C) Add a new cylinder with exchanger to preheat water and DIY a solar panel - €900
I have not included installation costs as I would like to think I could do this myself - maybe.
If we were to recover the whole €133 cost recover would take more than :- 13 years option A, 8 years option B, 7 years option C
We would, of course,not recover all of the €133 but electricity prices would increase and the solar running costs would not.
Is it worth it?
Because of the extra efficiency of the purpose built solar panels I think option B may be worth pursuing if I can keep the costs down. I need convincing though.