Spanish flu was awful, it killed all ages, especially the young. But it doesn't apply now, we are living in a totally different world, even if we had a virus of that calibre now we wouldn't suffer as much as they did then.
Why am I saying it is innocuous, simple really, it isn't particularly deadly, likely similar to seasonal flu yet unlike seasonal flu it is only affecting the very old and vulnerable. Seasonal flu affects all ages, mostly the old but is also a killer of young children hence why primary school children get a flu vaccine each year.
That is demonstrably untrue.
It does not only affect the very old and vulnerable. Plenty of healthy, younger people have suffered.
My niece works in the NHS, she knows 2 staff in her hospital that had it bad.
One was a guy who was overweight, but he was healthy enough to work full time as a nurse, he now has heart damage. The other was a female nurse, no health problems, she has sustained serious lung damage and they don't think she will work again.
My niece is a radiographer, she took plenty of CT scans of lungs of people with Covid: the doctors got used to seeing the severe lung damage not common with any other disease.
If the country had not made huge efforts to reduce the R value, many more people would have are unfortunately claiming it's not that bad because there was a largely successful effort that kept the numbers down.
Spanish flu was bad, so is Covid
"The coronavirus is at least as deadly as the 1918 flu pandemic and the death toll could even be worse if world leaders and public health officials fail to adequately contain it, researchers warned in a study published Thursday in the medical journal JAMA Network Open."
“What we want people to know is that this has 1918 potential,” lead author Dr. Jeremy Faust said in an interview, adding that the outbreak in New York was at least 70% as bad as the one in 1918 when doctors didn’t have ventilators or other advances to help save lives like they do today. “This is not something to just shrug off like the flu.”