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Established Member
3 Mar 2005
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I don't know if you know, but I'm officially the world's unluckiest (stupidest) person.

Thought I'd have another go at a bowl today. Generally everything went very well. The outside was faultless and the inside went well considering this was something I was struggling with. HOWEVER, on my final pass (how many times have you heard that?) the cut was perfect. Consistent right into the middle. Imagine my surprise when I little black dot appeared at the centre?? Is this some weird feature in the wood? No, I'd only GONE THROUGH THE BOTTOM!! ](*,) #-o Nothing major :shock: :roll:

Grrr, the whole thing had gone so well I decided to finish it way. The hole was only tiny, visible, but tiny. I loaded it with CA and stuffed some shavings in it.



I'm gutted because the blank was donated by Rich Burrow and I wanted to do it justice (thanks Rich). Still, I like the shape and general finish. The wood is a (derivative of) Mahog. I used a Shellac SS and a Beeswax Salad Bowl finish. Hopefully the hole won't be noticeable when it's filled with fruit ;)
Holes in the bottom of the bowl are common as muck Tom. You have joined a very large club. It's so easy to do. That and the fact that using a recess can easily split the wood (done that too) are the main reasons that I usually use a tenon unless I want to tart the bottom up a bit. though that can be done by reverse chucking with a tenon.

Nice save anyway, don't tell anyone and no-one but another turner would be likely to notice.

Unlucky... but a 'good save' Tom ....
thats a shape I seem to do quite often too.. I like the shape.

Tell you what though, pal .... slight error aside.. i reckon you're progress is rampaging on at a healthy pace .... looks like a nice finish etc...
thats good .. much to be pleased about, small 'incident' aside

8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Worth the rescue from the firewood bin Tom, as mentioned already finish is coming on leaps and bounds.

How about carefully trying a drilled pilot hole to desired depth as a guide until you get a better feel for depth.
Must be one of those days - I thought I'd make a small ash bowl, and take photos of every stage to put together a 'how it's made' for the website. Went great, finished the inside, sandblasted the outside, then put it in the cole jaws to finish the tenon - bang! lost the first 3/4 inch off the rim. So I rechucked it, shortened it and documented that process as well - happens to everyone.

That's not a hole, this is a hole:

I was turning a bit of holly, on a tenon I thought the inside needed just one light cut to finish it. :oops:
I have rescued the body of the bowl as a bangle. 8)

You are getting a nice finish on stuff Tom, well done I still find that the hardest part.

Something in the air today I think, however - you did get a lovely bowl out at the end. I wouldn't have seen a hole if you hadn't mentioned it!

Today I have wrecked four kiln dried blanks and destroyed two nice pieces of firewood I'd been saving with no result.

Some days you just have to realise that you're beaten and come back another day........
Thanks Guys, I am proud of this one. It would have been perfect otherwise.

Dave, I have started using the step system for hollowing out bowls. Have you heard of it? Hard to explain, but basically you leave bulk in the middle and finish the bowl as you go down in stages. Technically you're not supposed to go back for a 'final pass' as you'd have finished it gradually as you go down. Generally it's working for me but I can't help 'just one more pass' :roll: :wink:
Nice finished piece,well rescued :D

And yes,we've all done it (some of us several times.. :wink: )

wizer":3n7227r7 said:
Thanks Guys, I am proud of this one. It would have been perfect otherwise.

:roll: :wink:

tom and so you should be. yes it's a shame,, but you have got a fantastic looking bowl there. well done and a great save too.
Great bowl Tom and a good recovery. The shape and finish are so good it would be a shame to lose it.

I have a number of "just one more pass" items. Its hard to call them bowls, maybe lampshades or designer funnels is a better description. :wink: :wink:


Mike C

I actually need to make a funnel for my DE but I'm scared!! :lol: