Sliding barn door track without joins - where to purchase?

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Established Member
20 Feb 2022
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I want a Sliding barn door kit but am having a job finding what I want and was wondering if anybody could help.

My opening is 1.6m so ideally I want a minimum 3.2m track and this is the problem. Most of the track kits come in multiple sections even the short ones. I have found a track on the Henderson's website but they only make a 2m or 3m one and I need to confirm if it is a one piece track.

My options seem to be:
Buy the 3m one and lose 200mm on the opening.
Buy two 1.6m tracks - if I can find one piece tracks.
Get a local steel works to cut and drill a piece of steel and paint it black.

Any leads would be appreciated.
I got one a few years ago from Amazon. Just generic Chinese. It was actually very nice quality in a chrome finish with large wheels. So it is a round bar with shaped wheels top and bottom and it came with adjustable wheels for the floor to keep the door running straight.
Still working fine now.

similar to this

Not sure what the issue is with the one piece track, I assume the sections just screw together end to end so it can be as long as you need it, ours was only for a normal door so pretty short.
Maybe just buy the wheel parts or a short track and then buy a steel rod of the same diameter locally.
Thanks for the idea @Ollie78 and the problem with the track made of segments is they can cause the wheel to jump a little over each joint.
Thanks for the idea @Ollie78 and the problem with the track made of segments is they can cause the wheel to jump a little over each joint.
Possibly true, but I think this is worse on small wheel types. With nice big wheels (some have rubber tyres ) I am not sure it would be that obvious. Ours has the wheels in pairs which may also lessen the effect.
Have a look at ironmongery direct and hafele.