Sketchup files for Legacy Mills

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Nick W

Established Member
26 Feb 2006
Reaction score
I have made a set of components of the Magnate router cutters for the Legacy Mills. They can be downloaded from the Software page of my website.

I have not been able to work out the correct form for the Provincial Plunge cutter. I am also not overly happy with the Deep and Shallow Classic Point profiles, nor the Double Bead Plunge ones. Any help to get these sorted would be most appreciated.
Nick, this looks great. I just installed the profiles and took a look at a couple. The Double Bead Plunge profiles are nice. One question though. Why are they double components? To edit a profile, you have to select it for editing and then select the component inside for editing. Did you have some reason for doing that?

I don't know how or why that happened. All I did was create a component of the profile within each file - ah :idea: perhaps I don't need to do that - does it work if I just have plain graphics in the file? I'll try that tomorrow - have to go and see a potential customer tonight.

P.S. I didn't know you were a Legacy user too.
"Legacy user" is a strong word. ;) I've got a 1000EX that I've had for awhile. It doesn't really suit my needs anymore and I'm trying to sell it to make more space in my shop.
I have unpacked the components by one level. New version available from my website.

Still not happy with the Classic Point profiles. Does anyone know where the centres for the lower arcs should be? Ditto the Double Bead Plunge.