Some hand planed moldings (wip)

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You say that you had a slight problem where the skirtings met the architraves you could have used plinth blocks which are made slightly higher and thicker than the skirting and can either be plain or moulded, it is an easy way and even plain ones can look quite effective but as you like doing things the hard way you probably preferred your way and the whole job looks good.


Regarding cutting a profile I probably didnt explain myself well enough if I am fitting mouldings I get an offcut of the material about 6 inches long cut a 45 mitre on both ends then cut the profile produced with a coping saw this gives you what I have always known as a scribing block as it is mostly used to form scribe cuts for internal corners but might more aptly be called a profile template as it can be used to mark profiles for both internal and external corners when sat square on piece to be cut,on deep mouldings you need a deep bridging square to make sure that the template is square to the cut required.The advantages of using this method on internal corner is that you are only cutting the wood once as against first cutting a 45 and then using a coping saw the disadvantage is that you have to check that you set your template square every time sorry if this is a bit long winded but I hope I have explained myself a bit better

dennis":1s7xbclr said:

You say that you had a slight problem where the skirtings met the architraves you could have used plinth blocks which are made slightly higher and thicker than the skirting and can either be plain or moulded, it is an easy way and even plain ones can look quite effective but as you like doing things the hard way you probably preferred your way and the whole job looks good.


I tried this quickly with just a simple block of 2x4. It might have worked if I had cut a uite heavy profile to the top of it - otherwise it would have been too high and looked funny when the block was close to 20 mm proud of the architrave. I still wonder wether it would have been a better soluton, but in the end the current setup is quite simple, if not that traditional.


One problem with plinth blocks if they are much thicker than the architraves is that they can restrict the door opening past about 100 degrees so as most architraves are tapered to the door frame plinth blocks are often tapered to suit anyway this is irrelevent as you have not used them its just that I didnt mention it last time.You must get great self satisfaction from the fact that you have done all the mouldings by hand,well done.
