I think I've worked out what my immediate problem is ... the embed code for Anchor.fm uses 'iframe', which Wordpress removes because of the security risk. As I'm using the free Wordpress, I can't use a plugin to get around this.
Is Wordpress / Anchor.fm a viable choice (can I do better using these than to have a bare link to the podcast content?), or are there better low cost alternatives?
Lee - when you say using the free Wordpress, do you mean you are using ?
I'm not sure what restrictions wordpress.com place on folks using them - i.e. no plugins etc - but the Wordpress platform itself (the software in essence) is very powerful and there isn't much you can't do with it.
I did come across a post than mentioned that your own site has to be of the same type as the one in the iFrame, otherwise you might have issues, i.e. if the iframe references HTTPS, your site needs to have HTTPS and similarly with HTTP to HTTP. No mix and match.
Also I have seen mention of a Wordpress plugin that "integrated" with Anchor.fm - in reality it was actually copying from your account on anchor.fm and placing the files in\on Wordpress.
Not a bad thing necessarily - just means the traffic would be higher for your website. Just depends on how many podcasts, subscribers, etc.
I'd continue with trying to get the iFrame working - despite the "oldness" of the approach - it should work, after all you are just "pulling" stuff down, you aren't pushing data up to the source of the iFrame.
Maybe just try to get a basic iFrame working that shows some content first? There should be tons of tutorials on the web for doing basic YouTube or other ones. Get that going first - then see if you can get the anchor.fm one working.