I have a bucket of Silverlines cheaper ones bought last year.
These ones have a seemingly stouter bar but still have a simple wooden handle,
where as the cheaper ones I bought have a rather nice all steel handle that will pivot.
Its nice to have both styles, although I stagger these with real heavy duty Powerfix ones from Lidl
they are shorter though, built like a brick shedhouse, and cost 9 euros each.
Guess I can't call you lot posh for avoiding that brand name since I have so many of these now
Doesn't matter the brand, these ones with all have the same Achilles heel in design,
if the thread is the same, as the pad comes off them.
Yes the heads come off aswell, no bother for anyone with'ammer, the ends of the bars are easy peened or tacked.
Not sure if its a good idea but since these won't last long anyways, without doing something....
I went through all these wee f-clamps and peined the end of the threads quite a bit more
eliminating the ability of the pad to rotate.
On some of the clamps damage had already occurred, which makes the job of peining more difficult
and not as good of a job.
Not used regularly since, so too early to say if it is at least a half decent bodge.
If you can find them them anymore, Aldi sold a twin pack which was the best value
which had the much heavier thread , and larger throat like Lidl ones.
You have to buy a long and a short though if you need the same capacity
Curious if other folks tried the same?