Nyuck, Nyuck, Nyuck!
Someone is special to have had you make honey out of dog #### and a box too! Well done.
Three one and sixpenceIn Lancashire too. As my dad used to sing:
“Rule Britannia ! Two tanners make a bob
Three make eighteen pence
And four two bob”
Wife in the workshop again ehMy baad fingers on the wrong buttons should be 1 or 2mm. Typing while fighting the dog for a soggy yucky fluffy thing
Can i ask how you cleaned up the lever cap? That's the one thing i generally leave alone. Thanks
I remember getting a slap from me mum for calling it a Tanner.… and a sixpence was also known as a tanner. Or was that only in Geordieland?
1 pence = 1/100 of a GBP [£]