Due to certain local drivers being incapable of navigating a 'T' junction on a local dual cariageway the council is in the processof installing a set of traffic lights and some lane changes.
Now our local council has an unenviable record for cock ups, but this one is one of their better efforts.
Having installed about one and a half miles of cones they then spent half a day putting up large signs apologising for the inconveniance that might be caused.
Fair enough.
One sign states that the disruption will last for ten weeks, 'tother says 14 weeks!
Now our local council has an unenviable record for cock ups, but this one is one of their better efforts.
Having installed about one and a half miles of cones they then spent half a day putting up large signs apologising for the inconveniance that might be caused.
Fair enough.
One sign states that the disruption will last for ten weeks, 'tother says 14 weeks!