Making some panelled doors, I used a 9mm straight cutter to make the groove. 50mm in, the carbide tips snapped off with a bit of a graunch. The cutter wasn't new - though nearly unused. I went on the website to get a replacement. For some reason, WorldPay wouldn't take my money, despite several tries. Sent an email to tell of the break - but, mainly, that there might be a problem with WorldPay.
Tried again this afternoon with a different browser - success! Simultaneously I had a phone call from Wealden. "You seem to be having a problem. Can we help?"
I explained the situation - and, no, I hadn't had a reply to my email.
Next - a notice from WorldPay to tell me my money for the new cutter has been refunded. I never asked for or expected that!
Thank you Wealden. You have really gone the extra mile for me.
Tried again this afternoon with a different browser - success! Simultaneously I had a phone call from Wealden. "You seem to be having a problem. Can we help?"
I explained the situation - and, no, I hadn't had a reply to my email.
Next - a notice from WorldPay to tell me my money for the new cutter has been refunded. I never asked for or expected that!
Thank you Wealden. You have really gone the extra mile for me.