hah....I didn't want to pigeonhole you into that opinion, as there are sometimes friendly people around philadelphia, but I recall seeing a study at one point where they rated women by attractiveness and attitude in each city, and Philly was rated as the worst place to look for a date (the women are pasty, out of shape and rude relatively).
You've been to more cities in the US than I have, at least in terms of major cities, but I've probably been to 20. Philly is bad (parts of it are dangerous), but Boston is similar but different. In Boston, when you walk down the street, instead of scowling, people will often look the other way to make sure you can't engage them.
Canada is sort of similar -Toronto, etc, very sociable. Western canada, some of the provinces have a tradition of kicking patrons out of bars if they stand up with a drink. You sit when you drink, you stand to leave, because the areas are kind of roughneck and they assume that anyone standing with a drink is only standing to fight (that's an edmondton rule - I thought that one was hilarious).
Here's my assessment of PA:
1) Philadelphia - if someone talks to you, they'll talk about themselves. Often be unfriendly and disinterested (won't ask you anything - if you want to get a word in, you need to butt in and tell them - it'll turn into a contest but if it's philly friendly, it'll be a friendly contest. If it's not friendly, there may be a fight).
2) Harrisburg - someone will probably introduce themselves and talk about them, not ask you anything about you, but they are friendly and the contest will not occur
3) in most places in pittsburgh, people will ask you how you are, genuinely wait for you to answer, remember what you said and not overtly offer things about themselves.
I grew up nearest to harrisburg. I feel like the rudest person alive sometimes out here in the western side because I get distracted and forget to ask people anything small talk style (and I remember my upbringing, rural central PA where asking all the time was seen as suspicious). "wie gehts" as the amish and pa dutch would say "how's it going" is plenty. "How's your mother doing" if you've mentioned health issues in the past can be seen as nosy. In pittsburgh, it's de rigueur, but to top it off, if you forget to ask, most people will conclude something positive "I'm sure they forgot because they had something tying up their thoughts" not "oh, what a thoughtless person".
Going so far in that direction, you go to nashville, and everyone will ask you how you're doing. Be ready for it so that your response isn't like mine...hah... (look over your shoulder for the person who someone else must be talking to. and then get stunned and say....wha.....what? oh. hi?)