So tempted, and am in need of something i would appreciate, and the price seems very fair.
Was hoping to find a 670, but alas they're always seriously beyond my budget, and it just wouldnt be the same opting for a reproduction. Been looking for years for one. Be happy with any condition, bashed, ripped,torn,delaminating, feathers everywhere, the one the dog slept on, anything, but alas alas.
This could be a wee stop gap though.
20 years ago I worked on the Glasgow Vitra shop build, always had a passion for Eames,and even slept on the 670, well 2 actually, facing each other, dirty paint streaked work trousers and filthy boots. Just sat down for a few mins as i was doing 18h straights and .....
some mad wiping with a wet cloth.
Was hoping to find a 670, but alas they're always seriously beyond my budget, and it just wouldnt be the same opting for a reproduction. Been looking for years for one. Be happy with any condition, bashed, ripped,torn,delaminating, feathers everywhere, the one the dog slept on, anything, but alas alas.
This could be a wee stop gap though.
20 years ago I worked on the Glasgow Vitra shop build, always had a passion for Eames,and even slept on the 670, well 2 actually, facing each other, dirty paint streaked work trousers and filthy boots. Just sat down for a few mins as i was doing 18h straights and .....