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Chris Puttick

Established Member
20 Aug 2024
Reaction score
and machinery keeps being added, along with suitable reinforcing plywood on the floor and supports for the base frame... I'm an enthusiastic amateur with ambitions. So far alongside various handheld power tools I've acquired a compound mitre saw, bench sander, pillar drill and most recently a floor standing bandsaw (Record Power). I'm learning as I go...

The bandsaw was the most expensive item (so far) which I justified on the basis of needing a ramp between 2 floors with 30mm height difference - having not used a bandsaw since DT class, I fed 1.2m of 30x300mm pine board through the saw with the table angled so the cut was diagonal, corner to corner - successfully. I still have all my fingers too.

Next up a proper extractor (to augment a Nilfisk workshop vac) and maybe a decent jointer/planer.