They are all fantastic! What’s the red box thing? Was that entire piece 3D printed?
Exactly what I want a 3D printer for - life’s little hacks. I’m pretty comfortable with google sketch up. How easy is fusion to learn? Is much the same thing if your used to working and editing polygons etc?
Sorry I only just saw your reply...
The Red box things is basically a Grr-Ripper Clone, it can do exactly the same stuff as the Gripper., it was printed in multiple parts, then put together, I used m3 brass inserts to make the screw together parts which push in easily with a soldering iron, then m3 bolts screw it together. (Lots of tips about this on youtube). More Pics below.
I design everything in Fusion360 using the free personal edition, though I'm very IT minded as its what i do for a living. Everything is then printed on a Ender 3 V2. I used to use Sketchup, but moved to fusion 360 as I find it far more powerful, and then I export directly to STL and print on my printer. (Though you can do that with Sketchup)
I latest project is that i have created 100mm Magnetic Quick connects for my dust system and hoses for quick change.
If you have the time and inclination 3d printing is really useful. as example the cost of the plastic for the Gripper Clone I made was about £2.50. But time to design and having a 3D printer added costs but the same as woodworking tools
Happy to help anyone which their 3d printing questions or fusion questions just drop me a message.