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Established Member
11 Apr 2004
Reaction score
Paignton Devon
Is there an option available on a windows pc to set the keyboard sensitivity, my keys only need the slightest nudge and I get a typo. (Not repeat problems)
Frayed knot old bean, it's a mechanical function of the keyboard - try one with a "stiffer" action, it might help.
There are usually options in control panel / keyboard for setting things like repeat etc. but not sensitivity - that is if I understand your question correctly.

From your description it sounds like it could be a hardware/keyboard error. Is this a new keyboard? Is it every key?

Could be the return spring mechanism has given up the ghost.

Have a look in control panel keyboard at repeat speed and delay and see if altering them helps your problem.
Thanks Old, I' ve set them at the left hand end of the scale and so far so good.

Years ago I used to have one of those dictation software programs, do they work better these days?
I could then dictate, copy and paste to O/E and forum?
No remedy to this. You could buy and older IBM style keyboard as these have more of a typewriter feel to them and a stiffer action.
There are some pretty good dictate programmes about now, we use some in colege but they tend to be fairly expensive and also you have to train them to recognise your voice and pronouncition.

An alternative would be one of the read back programmes we use for visually impaired stdent. These can be set to read back what you type as you type it so you know what you have done immediately. There are 2 free versions. If you are interested I'll get hold of the web site and post it for you.

Not tried any dictation software for many years now. I did try Dragon system which was ok'ish but ditched it as I had just learned to touch type.

I believe that these systems have improved tremendously over the years although as has been already said you have to train them to recognize your voice and are still fairly expensive.

Dragon Naturally speaking V9 is on offer at Amazon at the moment around £40 for the standard edition.
Amazon link

Review here:
Cheers :D

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