Seeking advice on the use of Axminster Table Saw AC216TS

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Nick Rogers

New member
19 Apr 2022
Reaction score
I bought the saw and the sliding table some time back, but only recently have I been able to start setting it up in earnest. I'm pretty new to the use of "proper" woodworking machines and I frequently find small obstacles that throw me for a while. This could well be due to a naive approach. If there's a happy user of AC216TS out there, preferably with the sliding table too, perhaps you would be prepared to share some of your knowledge and experience.

Earlier problems included adjustment of the riving knife, and also adjusting the sliding table to square, both of which I found very fiddly; these are now at least pretty close. My current problems are around the extraction from the crown cover.

I originally fitted the bracket supplied to support the pipe for the crown guard extraction on the left side of the table saw. That now interferes with the sliding table. So I moved the bracket to the right side. There I find that it interferes with pushing the workpiece through when ripping with the fence; I'm using a self-made pushstick that is a few inches tall, and which is long enough to apply downward pressure on the leading end of the workpiece.

Secondarily, I find that the locking lever on the right side of the crown guard also tends to obstruct the pushstick when I want to cut a number of same width pieces which are maybe just 1 inch wide or so.

Is there some obvious, or perhaps not so obvious, way that I can avoid these problems? I'm currently experimenting with supporting the extraction pipe by some other means, but not finding that easy either.

Thank you