Sealing melamine?

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17 Jun 2019
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Ok, so I have to fit a kitchen sink into a budget melamine top. A wet environment and chipboard are not good friends. Any advice on limiting water ingress?
I always carefully and thoroughly coat the cut edges with the best clear silicone I have to hand then bed the sink down with more silicone. But you’re right to be worried!
I use Dow Corning clear silicone along the cut edges and also on any ends that but up to a wall. Leave it to cure overnight and then give it a 2nd coat . As above depending on the type of sink you’re fitting a thin bead of silicone around the perimeter of the sink prior to fixing the sink . Spare no expense as cheap silicone will not last long.
I added 3 coats of waterproof pva, one would probably suffice. And then I siliconed the sink in place. I don't think there is a big chance of water ingress around the sink.
I'd say to also pay attention to the worktop edges along the wall too as that can be overlooked. I've seen a few swelling worktops along the wall line before
Another one here for waterproof PVA. But, I also use UF powdered glue. I use it in the workshop now and again but it has a shelf life. If you have any old Cascamite or similar you can mix it up with tepid water to the consistency of cream and use it as a waterproof sealer for the likes of chipboard, MDF and hardboard.