Okay, listen up everybody!
Today I tried the acetone on the lengths of cloth backed aluminium oxide strips for the 16/32 drum sander.
Here’s what I did, how I did it and the results it gave.
I had 3 lengths of really clogged media. All 3 had some really baked in clog in lines that went all the way around.
I also had a lot of bits of polycarbonate stuck to a couple of them too. This was from trying “the polycarbonate trick”.
I did 1 at a time.
I found a small round container with a lid and rolled up the strip and put it in the container. It then unravelled, which meant there were gaps between each bit.
I then took a bottle of actual proper acetone and filled the container until it was at the top of the rolled up strip.
I popped the lid on and intended on leaving it overnight.
No need for that! I checked the baked in bits after 5 minutes and they were already falling off.
I gave it another 10 minutes and then drained roll back into the container.
Then I took it outside and rolled the strip out flat on the ground.
A friend of mine has a jet washer which he happened to be using, so I quickly borrowed it and watched as every single bit of clog just washed away. This took about 30 seconds.
I then spent the next few moments stood in utter disbelief with the result. It was like new! Like actual new!
As the sun was out I took the strips and put them out flat on the ground. It took about an hour for them to fully dry.
I imagine I could roll it up and put it on a radiator in the winter.
I’ve used wire brushes before now to try and clean them, but this has always affected the grit.
Cleaning them by submerging the roll in acetone and a quick jet wash afterwards has done more than brought them back to life. They look like they’ve never been used before.
I’ve taken videos of everything and will find some time to edit a little thing together and put the link on here, so you can see what I did and how well it worked.
Container wise, for this size, I’d suggest something similar in size to one of those ridiculous Sports Direct mugs.
I use the last bit of acetone that was in a 5l bottle, so poured it all back in the bottle to use again.
It was all very brown though, but I think it’ll work fine for a few more strips.
I also don’t necessarily think you need a jet washer, a hose pipe will probably do the job.
I hope this helps?
Thanks for all your replies.