Jet drum sander.

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17 Jan 2021
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Hi all. I have a Jet 16/32 plus drum sander which I hadn't used for about a year. Decided to give it a good clean up and when I turned on the conveyor belt it didn't move although I could hear the motor. Giving the belt a slight push it started and cleaning was started. However after about 3 revolutions the belt stopped and hasn't worked since. Then sanding drum continues to work. Have removed the conveyor motor to inspect and to my relatively inexperienced eye all seems ok, no obvious wiring disconnections or damage to the circuit board. Has anyone had a similar experience or have any ideas as to how I may remedy this? Many thanks.
Sounds as though the conveyer has developed a permanent set because of lack of exercise for an extended period. What type of conveyer is it? Rubber or abrasive sheet?
I improved the roller grip by covering it with tennis racket handle heat shrink rubber tube.
The conveyor belt is moving freely with motor removed, the motor however seems totally dead.
Don't know how long it's ran over it's life span, but have you checked the brushes in that smaller conveyor motor? There are inspection caps to access them if I remember correctly.
The current importer for Jet in UK is Tool France if you google and need a quote from them on a new OEM conveyor motor.
The conveyor belt is moving freely with motor removed, the motor however seems totally dead.
A new motor from Tool France will cost £360 with VAT and postage, I just had this quote yesterday, I am having problems too, Jet 16-32 Drum-sander
if you can't repair it and have to get rid of that motor I would be interested in buying it for parts, as I just need a gear wheel .
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