A lot useful info here
I think the solution is up to the way you usually work with your Mac.
For me, I only storage files I am working on in the internal disk. (I am using a iMac and Macbook Pro) For large files such as music, clips, pictures and some files which I rarely use, I chose to put them in an external disk. (FW, of course)
Therefore I didn't need to backup a lot of stuff. Actually only my mails, password from the keychain and important files in my internal disk. But this is the way I prefer to work. I have to say CCC is a good tool to use if your style is different from mine.
I think the solution is up to the way you usually work with your Mac.
For me, I only storage files I am working on in the internal disk. (I am using a iMac and Macbook Pro) For large files such as music, clips, pictures and some files which I rarely use, I chose to put them in an external disk. (FW, of course)
Therefore I didn't need to backup a lot of stuff. Actually only my mails, password from the keychain and important files in my internal disk. But this is the way I prefer to work. I have to say CCC is a good tool to use if your style is different from mine.