Rutlands & Tilgear price difference

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Established Member
19 May 2009
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West Midlands
have been looking for the last couple of months at the various Incra jointing systems and have a noticed there is a huge difference between these two companies.
Was looking at Rutlands as they now have a 15% off offer on until mid July.
Their LS 25" super system is up for £449.95 minus the 15% which comes to £382.00
Tilgear have the same item for £295.00 plus Vat at 15% which comes to £339.00, a total of £43.00 cheaper.
Once the offer at Rutlands finishes in about a weeks time, the price difference will be back to a massive £110.00 more at Rutlands.
Am I comparing the same items or have I got it completely wrong? :?
I realise there will be a delivery charge from Tilgear but surely it won't cost £110.00! :shock:
A quick call to both of them will solve this one Steve. It's not unusual for Tilgear to be quite a bit cheaper than their competitors but they can be awkward to order from. Oh and to throw another spanner in the works. Call Roger at The WoodWorkers Workshop. He stocks all of the Incra stuff and I'm willing to bet he'll give you a favourable deal.
Thanks for the advice Wizer.
Escudo, I have no idea what you are on about but it does sound nice :)
But isn't that Rutlands sale something? 15% plus free postage and the only condition is not Festool.

I just bought a Tormek Cover for £9.31 with free delivery. Brilliant!

But say for instance if you were going to buy that Fox Spindle Molder which was already a bargain you could get it delivered to your door for £399.

Off topic post over :)
Well, I happen to have Roger's incra price list to hand, and it comes in at about the same price as the rutlands sale price. I guess he may be more open to negotiation than rutlands though.
I do tend to find tilgear cheaper when I can be bothered to jump through the hoops required to order from them, I've tended to find that they're usually fairly slow to put their prices up, so it could be that they're just selling the stock they bought when the exchange rate was more favourable whereas the others have bought stock at a worse exchange rate or have simply repriced at the current exchange rate.